Daughters I am Unaware Of

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Daughters I am Unaware Of

Post by Newbie »

I had two dreams this morning that have me somewhat baffled. Both dreams entail me having a daughter that is a different race from myself. I cannot recall all of the dreams but will post what I remembered. I cannot recall the order and not sure if this is of any significance.
Dream 1
My daughter has blonde hair and blue eyes; she looks to be 100% Caucasian. She looks to be about 10 years old and very happy. She has 2 pigtails and she wears glasses. Apparently, I had the girl at a very young age and had to give her away. Although, she did not looked anything like me; however, she had my teeth. There was an emphasis on the little girls teeth and I recall seeing an x-ray of them. They were what you would consider perfect, white straightened teeth that were all intact. Also, I recall that she was friend’s of this black girl that looked just like her and she wore glasses as well. They both rode on scooters and they were on their way into the Shoppette (a military convenience store). My daughter’s scooter was black with pink trim.
I recalled that I walked up this ladder in the Shoppette. This area reminded me of a barn and come to think about it the Shoppette in my dream, when a person had to get something they had to write it down on a silver board with an erasable marker and the cashier would go in the back and get it for them. Anyway, I went up the ladder and this nerdy Caucasian teenager was waiting for me. If I recalled correctly, the boy was infatuated with me. He was what you would consider a nerd. He wore glasses and had short blonde hair and light colored eyes. He was writing down some lyrics and he seemed to have inspirations to become a hip hop artist but wanted to put out a positive message.
I recall thinking to myself, “Does he know that I am married?” Does he knows I do not like him like that?” I told the young man that the little girl on the pink scooter was my daughter. It was like I was awaiting his reaction. He responded positively to my statement. We had walked down the ladder to get some sodas. The friend of my daughter was attempting to order a huge number of different varieties of can sodas. However, the cashier told her that she could not do this because there were too many. EOD

Dream 2:
I have a daughter that appears to be multiracial and was the spitting image of Rihanna the singer. What was weird is that although, this daughter is a toddler; however, she looked like a mini-adult. Everyone was enamored by my daughter because of her good looks. Once again, I m in a barn but it appears that this was a church of sorts. I recalled that a woman minister and some others did not care for me or ignored but when they saw my daughter they feel in love with her. I recall that although my daughter was only a toddler, she was smart and she could carried on in a conversation. She was reading an application to college and was filling out; however, something she read made her upset and I tried to console her. People that were there were tickled pink at my daughter trying to go to college. I recalled that I would carried her around in my arms and that she wore a dark orange jersey dress.
There is a shift in the dream.
There is a field outside of where me and others had stayed at (the barn/church). It is nighttime and the full moon is shining brightly. I vaguely recalled that we could not go outside the gates at a specific time. I also remembered that outside where stayed at looked like a stone fortress (like the ones that are illustrated in a children’s Bible). In this field are two black men and they are looking to rape, robbed and torture someone. I am not clear on this but there is a woman who is running attempting to get away from the men. Either I am her or I am viewing this; nevertheless she gets away by hiding in the tall grass and sprints for it. I recall the men having machetes.
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Post by Newbie »

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Post by SpecialK »

First off, your daughter represents your future. And to have it double in two dreams may be of some significance (perhaps a double portion). Wish you could remember what was written down, because it could have been a message to you.

2nd dream:
There is some spiritual warfare attached to this part (nighttime),
I believe there is a call for you to trust God for your resources (this could be finances, spiritual or other areas).

The Lord will allow you to have prophetic insight over several matters.

Right now you are at a place of spiritual provision, protection, and it is God's spiritual fortress for you (barn/stone fortress).

He has given you a warning (orange jersey--orange=warning), not to ever go our of the gates, which God has set for you (these are spiritual boundaries). You probably already know what boundaries He has already set for you, if not, you can pray and ask Him.

If you go outside of them, the enemy is waiting for you & will attack, rape, rob and torture you. Because these two men are black men, they could also be considered 2 demonic strongmen.

Hope this helps, SpecialK