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Flash flood

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 3:15 pm
by HISheartbeat
I dreamed that my husband, his mom and dad, and I was in a yellow school bus. My husband's dad was driving. I had a bad feeling. I looked out and could see that it had rained super hard and there was muddy water running fiercly over the roads. It was a flash flood. My husband's dad kept driving though. I looked over to the left side of the gravel road we were driving on and the water had washed away the side of it and it was a drop off. Still he continued on. Then in front of us there was a large amount of flood water running over the road. He stopped the bus because it was impossible to cross over. When we stopped the water was washing over the road beneath us and we felt the bus begin to shift and move and it was going to go over the edge of the washed out road. We all began to run off the bus. I crawled through one of the windows...and as I did the bus began to fall off the edge and with my foot I pushed it the rest of the way over. My husband looked at me and said, YOU PUSHED IT WITH YOUR FOOT! I said, it was going over anyway, what difference does it make?

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:24 pm
by moonglow
Here is a thought when I read this...I know cars, trucks, buses, etc, can mean certain things, but I don't know what...I am going by something inside ...I am wondering if you and your husband have been in some sort of situation where you felt trapped (bus) and someone else was in control (his dad) and taking you into a situation that was dangerous and indeed turned out to be? Then it got worse because his dad didn't heed the warning signs ...the flood? Whether money situation, family crisis, relationship wise...something that had you both feeling bound and unable to find a way out...then either you 'escaped' the situation or will and hating being trapped like this, you pushed the bus on over...the "trap" to have it gone and out of your lives...does any of this feel right at all?

A bus usually is something to take us somewhere we want to be and like in life,...but when others are controlling that trip and don't paying attention to the dangers, we are put in a situation of feeling lack of control and trapped in a situation we can't get out your case you weren't trapped very long and everyone was able to escape...which is good!

So I guess to me the question is...are you and your husband and his mother following his dad into a situation that is causing you anxiety? Or did it all happen already and its over with now?

God bless