The president

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The president

Post by TamaraLynne »

I had a dream where me and another girl were using laptops on a desk that went to about our chest...alot like an altar in church. I saw Mr. Obama walk towards us and he said "I'm going to need you to stay late and work" . At first I was going to say that I could not because I had family obligations and the girl next to me gave me this terrified look of "don't refuse" so I said "Okay we will work late" he told us another thing we had to do but I cannot remember what it was.
As I'm working on the computer I see a vision of a garden being dug on top of a graveyard....and the question was asked by someone from the vision "do we want to eat food fertilized by dead people?" he said this as he held up one of many white pieces of cloth.(the cloths remind me of those used in surgery)
The other vision I did not see but these visions were somehow attached to angel wings. We had the right angel wing and the left angel wing. I could see these wings next to the wing seemed to be more white in color with a golden glow and the other was white with a blue glow around the edges.
Now I'm in a retail store and trying to help the owner make his business a success but it seemed as if others kept causeing distractions.
Now I'm in a classroom looking under the seats and I'm locating dangerous things within the classroom. One guy is sitting in a chair looking at me asking me what I am doing and I'm explaining to him that I have to find all the dangerous stuff in the classroom and I reach for something under the seat and pull out a cylinder red thing made of plastic.

I woke up from this dream thinking I must have not stayed late and worked for Obama like I said I was going to do...I thought I was going to be fired from my job...that I messed up once again by not staying late....

But upon awakening fully I realized I had not stopped working afterall...that I did not fail my assignment of working late.

The working late I think means to pray?

The red cylinder thing may not be plastic but rubber? The side was a bit thin and would move to the touch and had some kind of hard thin ring like things on the inside to give it its shape..I was also looking under the desks...I think I found it in a gratelike shelf under the desk...also in the graveyard I saw just one huge gravestone...but knew many dead people were buried there but they had no headstones...and a trench was being dug along the outside of the sorry i don't visualize the dream in full when i'm writing my dreams....
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Post by TamaraLynne »

Why would I see just the wings? The right and left? I did not see an angel attached to the wings....but just the wings? These wings were not attached to each other that I can recall.....
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Post by Newbie »

Hello TL, I have heard that when we get a vision within a dream, that vision is representative of what is happening in the spiritual realm. The wings to me looks like it is indicative of something from the Lord to let you know that this message is from Him. It brings to mind the seraphim in the Bible that had the many eyes to it. No I do not believe that what you saw was a seraphim but what you saw it something through His eyes and how he views things. The two colors of gold and blue brings to mind that of His colors. Gold can symbolize divine nature and blue can symbolize His faithfulness or His Spirit.
In regards to the 1st vision, the question that was asked was "do we want to eat food fertilized by dead people?" What comes to mind is the Word being served up by those that are worldly or dead in the spirit. Sorry if I am rambling on or lack the necessary words to get my message through. But this is what I get when I read this particuliar passage.
In regards to Obama, what does he means to you? I have had him before but he is respresentative of himself and the Lord is telling me to pray over him during these times. Will post if I get more.
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Post by TamaraLynne »

Thank you Newbie :)

Hmmmmm..I don't dream of presidents so this is new to me. I guess in real life when I think of Obama I think that he is trying sooo hard to do what is right. I know that a presidents hands can be tied in that sometimes they can't do alot of the good stuff they wanted to do because everyone tells them "no".
I noticed Obama when he started out was so full of energy and hope for turning a bad situation around...but lately he looks so tired and worn out...not as full of energy as he once was.
In my dream though he looked young and full of energy and fit his position of authority..He was dressed very nice. Like Obama from real life when he first took office.

I just thought of that saying "on a wing and a prayer" so I looked it up... ... rayer.html

But I can tell ya....when I have dreams like really feels like it is not a personal me message....and if I think to much about interpreting it...well I mess I will leave the interpretation to you all :) because my thoughts can sidetrack from the interpretation...

I do however feel the need to pray....
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Post by piano »

Hi TamarLynn,

Just wanted you to know I am praying about this dream.
I am also praying according to your request.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by TamaraLynne »

bumping up...been thinking about this dream all day for some reason...actually I forgot alot of details to the dream and the part of my memory of this dream that kept popping out was the graveyard and after rereading my dream I realize I don't know how to fully describe what I see from my dreams...some of the dead people were moving still and it was creepy...i also have the president really sticking out in my he trusted me to work for him...

The reason this dream pops out at me is because of all that has been going on in Syria :(

Just wondering if others see anything in this dream that might relate.

i've been praying..
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Re: The president

Post by underhiswing »

This dream occurred a year and a half ago, and surely seems to fit what is happening currently...(prophetic) My input follows your sentences or paragraphs...
TamaraLynne wrote:I had a dream where me and another girl were using laptops on a desk ....laptop/computers can represent an expanded or wider viewpoint or broader knowledge/information being gathered, also staying in touch with the whole world.

"that went to about our chest...alot like an "altar in church""....this is the front lines for prayer. When people need prayer they usually go up front (alter) for that prayer when the body is gathered in church.

"I saw Mr. Obama walk towards us and he said "I'm going to need you to stay late and work"...... asking for your sacrificial help (staying late is not a comfortable thing for the flesh to do, and you were encouraged by that responsible or more seriously dedicated part of yourself (the other girl) that you should do what the Lord/President asks. He seems to want from you the same dedication that was asked of in Matthew 26 " Then said he unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: abide ye here, and watch with me. And he went forward a little, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass away from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt. And he cometh unto the disciples, and found them sleeping, and said unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Again a second time he went away, and prayed, saying, My Father, if this cannot pass away, except I drink it, thy will be done. And he came again and found them sleeping, for their eyes were heavy. And he left them again, and went away, and prayed a third time, saying again the same words."...The Lord's request in this part of the dream is to stay awake (be sacrificially interested and involved) and actively pray for the President and his current heavy choices he must make.

"As I'm working on the computer I see a vision of a garden being dug on top of a graveyard"....a garden is a symbol of growth and this one is being placed over a graveyard=death/dead/murdered people, which is the exact opposite of a garden. This represents the act of the lies and cover up of the government of Syria about these poor innocent murdered people that have been killed with chemical weapons.

and the question was asked by someone from the vision "do we want to eat food fertilized by dead people?" we want to swallow these lies, or militarily take part and then eat/digest/take in/reap the consequences?

"he said this as he held up one of "many" white pieces of cloth.(the cloths remind me of those used in surgery), but multiple, military surgical strikes.

"also in the graveyard I saw just one huge gravestone...but knew many dead people were buried there but they had no headstones"........Yes, the murdered "individuals" are not being considered or seen as such, by their government. The graveyard represent what that government has done wrong to their people. The single "huge" marker/headstone marks the horrific event.

"A trench was being dug along the outside of the graveyard..... The trench in a battlefield is dug to be occupied by their soldiers as their front line of defense. Seems to me that the trench may indicate that they are vulnerable, yet ready/prepared for an attack.....