bathroom witch

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bathroom witch

Post by Krista »

This is going to sound like a very strange dream. It was some time ago so the memory is a bit fuzzy.

I dreamt a while ago about being in like a large public bathroom with many other women. We all had our own stall that was marked special for us.

All of the ladies in the bathroom, heard that a witch was comming to terrorize the bathroom, and you actually had to put some kind of sign on your bathroom door so they would pass over.

We were preparing for this witch to come, and I asked my sister to come into my bathroom stall. I stood up on the toliet seat, and tried to climb even higher, because when the witch came she still would try to kill or to hurt as much as she could from underneath the bathroom stall door.

The night came, and the witch did come, but there was actually two. They passed by each stall door and tried to open the door, and tried to cause problems even underneath the stall door.

The normal one that usually came, was very insane and unpredictable, but the one who was with her, seemed to be an authority figure of some kind. It was telling the unpredictable insane one what to do.

When they came to my stall, the authoritve one said to the crazy one, this one we can't touch because "Shes righteous" And they passed on.

Out of total curiousity I went out of the stall, and was looking at them. The one witch had one red eye, and one normal eye. She looked at me with such utter hatred. I asked her what made her think I was righteous, and how did she know? She never answered me, I could tell she wanted to kill me very badly, but wasnt allowed.

And that was my dream. Anyone have any ideas about this? I have a bit of an idea, but don't know. *hugs*
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Post by Amber Allman »

Bathroom = a place of cleansing or repentance; eliminating the dross from our lives. Since it is in a public restroom, could = confessing sins to each other and/or entering a time of cleansing corporately.

Sign on door = think "passover", just as you said. Realizing that the Lord is your righteousness, and when evil approaches, holding up His standard is what causes it to pass over you. Standing in faith in Him protects you.

Sister = natural sister or fellowship of believers. Calling them in to unite with you; calling them in under the righteous banner of Jesus Christ.

Climbing up higher on seat = realizing you must go "higher" in the spirit to see with spiritual eyes.

Witches = obvious spiritual attack, but the intriguing part is that you ended up seeing the authority/principality behind the actual attacker.

Hope this helps!
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Post by dance-in-the-son »

I love the part where she wanted to kill you but she wasn't allowed....that toothless lion cannot hurt us...God is our protection!

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Post by Krista »

Thaks guys for your answers! I was thinking along the same lines too. I also had a bit of a secret wish with the dream I'll ask you guys about.

I have a condition in my body called Poly Cystic Overian syndrom. I have loads of tiny cysts on my overies. I had just been praying when I had the dream that sickness couldn't come on my body because Jesus took care of that on the cross, and that sickness had no authority over me.

PCOS means that cycles are all kinda messed up, hormones are out of balance in a serious ways, and you have alot of threats for some serious illness's.

So far I havn't noticed much of a change, but sometimes healing can take a while, and this is a bit of a "hidden" problem.

My mom wonderd if the woman with one red eye, and one regular eye represented my ovaries since I have one ovary thats very bad, and one thats fairly ok.

What do you guys think?
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Post by grace_full1 »

I loved the part in the dream about she couldn't touch you...

I also felt like the witch represented something that was "scaring" people from repentance (getting rid of the waste) fear of being exposed??

As far as the Poly Cycstic....I had cysts on my ovaries and they caused pain and heavy cycles etc. I got prayer and I started on Natural Progesterone cream and things cleared up for me. (Took awhile (about 6 months/year) It doesn't sound like my case was as serious as yours....but

Just thought I would throw that out there
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Post by Amber Allman »

Could be...about the ovarian situation, I mean. Also, perhaps the Lord will use this site to point you toward a natural healing method. Might look up Arbonne International on Google. Go to "The Products" then "balance" to see their hormonal balancing system. It takes a few months...starts out wacky, ends up balanced in most people.

Post by Joy2dream »

Please, please consider with prayer.

I dreamt a while ago about being in like a large public bathroom with many other women. We all had our own stall that was marked special for us.
Seeing the public bathroom as a place that you and other women like you share, you are together but separated.

All of the ladies in the bathroom, heard that a witch was comming to terrorize the bathroom, and you actually had to put some kind of sign on your bathroom door so they would pass over.
Also seeing this as a sign of the Passover. A sign of the Passover Lamb, The Blood of Jesus was applied to your stall.

We were preparing for this witch to come, and I asked my sister to come into my bathroom stall. I stood up on the toliet seat, and tried to climb even higher, because when the witch came she still would try to kill or to hurt as much as she could from underneath the bathroom stall door.
An invitation to the sister to come under the covering of the Blood of Jesus. A place of protection.

The night came, and the witch did come, but there was actually two. They passed by each stall door and tried to open the door, and tried to cause problems even underneath the stall door.
Seeing the 2 witches as the one being the evil spirit sent to the women and the other as the acutal human sending the evil.

The normal one that usually came, was very insane and unpredictable, but the one who was with her, seemed to be an authority figure of some kind. It was telling the unpredictable insane one what to do.
The normal one is the spirit entity and the one in authority is the one doing the orders or casting the evil upon the women.

When they came to my stall, the authoritve one said to the crazy one, this one we can't touch because "Shes righteous" And they passed on.
This particular person know that in the spirit she cannot touch you because of your righteousness in Christ Jesus. And she has to move on.

Out of total curiousity I went out of the stall, and was looking at them. The one witch had one red eye, and one normal eye. She looked at me with such utter hatred. I asked her what made her think I was righteous, and how did she know? She never answered me, I could tell she wanted to kill me very badly, but wasnt allowed.
Seeing the eyes as the Holy Spirit allowing you to see the vision of this witch. She has one eye that seems normal, meaning she appears in the physical to be a normal person. The one red eye you automatically recognized as hatred in her vision, thinking the Holy Spirit is showing you the evil side of a person. She is wanting to hurt you in the spirit realm but on the outward appearance she seems to be normal to you.

Interp: I believe the Holy Spirit is trying to reveal the true identity of a person to you. On the outward physical appearance the person may in fact appear to be your friend but secretly in the spirit she is your enemy. I am seeing that she is/has tried in the past to put spells or curses on you but was unable to because of the covering of the Blood over your stall. The bathroom is a place of repentance which we all need to do on a regular basis and you are not only repenting but also putting the covering of Jesus over you. I see you inviting your sister into the stall with you as you calling the sisters you know to a saving place in Christ.

Much Blessings,
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Post by Truth Seeker »


I don't have too much to say right now but I do believe the dream is very important you (and select few) and many others. I say you and a select few because I've had a couple of dreams as of late dealing with bathrooms and I think I've seem a couple of other posts that dealt with bathrooms.

I beileve the dreams with bathrooms could be 2 fold, first knowing that in the natural a bathrrom is a privite place where one can clean them selves (our most intimate places) without anyone knowing or seeing us. In the spiritual realm this could represent our heart needing cleansing. The others in the bathroom could represent others who are ready to be washed and cleansed in the blood of Jesus the Christ.

The witches do represent demonic forces, Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Krista, I believe this part is exposing not only part of the hierarchy of the wicked spirits or demons but it also may be exposing you to at least one gift that God has given you which the spirit of discernment. WOW the more I think about but still need to do more praying about it is that the keys to the kingdom come to mind. Jesus may have given you a certain authority. Please pray about this and if confirmed in your spirit be sure to seek the Holy Spirit for the power to back the authority given.

I believe God has shown you the spirit of hate which is the authoritative one and the lessor demon you has been assigned to carry out the attack.

Krista, God bless you and I will ask God to give me insight on this for you and for me because I have had a couple of bathroom dreams and I have a personal anger toward demons evil spirits etc

Will post again soon after I go before the throne of God for asking him to clean me up then showing what this really means, Amen
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Post by gloryhis »

Praise Jesus!

I feel the fact that you were in a large public place with many other women does have to do with the situation you mentioned regarding your health. As you know that is a concern only women share. ( thus the group of women). Witches are usually portrayed as women as well, not always, but it sounds like the one's in your dream were females.

Having said that, It seems the dream may have been caused by the prayer, some feelings with a message. It seems to me parts of the dream were simply showing how you felt regarding the vunerablility of women to certain issues in their bodies with no fault of their own. Witches do things to people through hexes and potions, mysterious unseen stuff, and it's like no fair! They don't fight fair, and there is the supernatural aspect of a so called witch.. It's a different fight.

So if one is feeling and realizing they did nothing to cause this condition, yet is vunerable to it, I can see the condition or the tormentor coming as a female witch to torment a group of women in a vunerable/exposed position (represented by the bathroom).

In the dream, You seem to be aware of the fact that lots of women, not just you are in a position of vunerability to the witch, " the female evil " which could if allowed, do things to each of you which were out of one's control.

You had to put a sign on the door: Exodus 12:13
And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. ( Not saying the condition is a plague at all)

When I read the part about "preparing" for the witches visit, I couldn't help but think, why not simply leave rather than prepare for it to come? But when one feels there is nothing they can do, they simply prepare the best they can for what is about to happen, this goes along with the feeling of being in a vunerable position.

The word terrorize also stood out to me, (this female evil with supernatural powers would come at night to torment a lot of women) and I feel God may have been showing you , this is a fear tactic by the enemy.

1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

The scripture was not a judgement in any way, but just to show the word terrorize and torment are the same . Often when I pray a specific prayer, Jesus will show me in a dream or vision etc, what I need to do in order to defeat my own fears or lack of faith. In this case the scripture may simply be to remind you that as long as you are in perfect love , the tormentor can't harm you. Being righteous is certainly walking in perfect love. But I feel more importantly righteousness is to understand our righteousness is of God through the finished work of Calvary. Sister your prayer was very simple, but very powerful! You gavet he glory to Jesus on the cross!

I feel the door to the stall, was representing the door to what the enemy thought would be a vunerable place for you as woman. ( I say that because all of the women had the same type stall door) the evil couldn't open that door. I felt the word of God was standing at that door guarding it by the words you speak and more importantly live by. Represented by you "STANDING" taking a stand and also going up higher.

In particular I feel what you prayed is guarding the door: I had just been praying when I had the dream that sickness couldn't come on my body because Jesus took care of that on the cross, and that sickness had no authority over me. Amen! The cross where Jesus shed his blood for us, the sign on the door again. The authority of the believer is in the blood and finished work of calvary.

You were shown however in the dream the enemy will try to come another way, underneath the door. Jesus is saying perhaps guard your heart with all diligence as you believe him for your healing and go about your daily life. Though you have the door closed and the enemy can't open it, one has to get very low to go underneath the door. Stoop to another level. Get in another way..... Which I feel means in order to try to get you to not have faith or fret, the enemy will use other tactics , ( example only) such as blaming yourself for the problem or get you to try to wonder why you? Bring bitterness, or any number of other low underhanded tactics. Mind games. The Lord saying come up higher, so those things can't reach you. You did!

You said: The normal one that usually came, was very insane and unpredictable, but the one who was with her, seemed to be an authority figure of some kind. It was telling the unpredictable insane one what to do.
I feel the words in italics are refferring to your cycle. The normal one.. now insane and unpredictable? But the one with her is the one in authority, the one who tells the cycle what to do and how to act, she's the underlying problem, as the cycle is just a symptom. The authoritive one being the condition itself, with the one red eye and the normal one. Now the fantasitc news is the cycle is just a syptom, and does what the condition tells it to, and the condition has admitted it has no authority over you and can't touch you!

Glory to Jesus! Is there a real witch? Personally I don't think so, but a very real female condition which acts like , looks like a witch( at least in this dream) or a female evil that is beyond the control of women..

I feel this is a very good dream, Hallelujah! How Powerful is the word of God and faith in Jesus! Wow! Yes some things are out of our control, but not out of God's control. The enemy( the health concern) would love to kill you as you saw in this dream, but can't touch you. You are the righteousness of God and covered in his blood!

What do I think the message of the dream is, keep believing Jesus, walking in love, guard your heart and especially the Mind against those low attacks from the enemy at night, night= in times when you can't see your way as clearly as you do in other times.

Scripture I feel God gave to me for you: Ezekiel 16:6

In Jesus love,
Jesus Is Lord!