If you dream prophetically, please give insight.

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If you dream prophetically, please give insight.

Post by Kpmehmble43 »

I posted that title, because most that understand this dream will respond. Thanks to all that respond.

I have had 3 dreams in the past few weeks, plus my husband had a dream.
I dreamt that my husband and I were in a hotel, theres a clock on the wall and I tell my husband, it's check out time. We have gone past check out. He said No, we haven't. I said yes we have. The clock read 11:14. He said ask for more time. While we were scurrying to get ready, my husband falls over. His left side is bruised-red and bloody. I ask what happen. He doesn't know. He said something about rib. He says, call 911. I call, woman very faint on the phone. I tell her we need an ambulance. She asks what's wrong. I tell her, the she said, mam, we don't come for that. Meanwhile, I see the hotel manager approaching our door. I awaken.
2 nights later, I dream of my husband standing at a door. A few nights later, I see my husband reclining on a couch, and I ask, has God shown you anything in a dream. He starts to cry, and I ask why are you crying? He says---Soon. I ask, when do you dream this and he says a while ago.

2 days ago out of no where, my husband tells me out of the blue he had a dream about being at his old home. He says that he was on the porch and he saw a motorcade with police escort and lots of cars. He also said that he was so excited because there were so many people and ther was just a caravan of cars-a lot of people. Then he tells me that the same night, he dreamed he was back at home and there were a lot of people -looks like a big cookout or dinner.

Okay...my husband is terminally ill. I do dream prophetically myself. God has prepared me on many ocassions for a lot of things.

Thanks for your time.
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Post by zadokpriest »

Not sure but when I read about your husband saying, "Ask for more time" - I believe that God is tell you to intercede and ask for more time concerning your husband. If I read correctly you said he was terminally ill?

Hezekiah was told by the prophet to get his house in order for he was going to die.

Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and cried out to God.

God heard his prayers and sent the prophet back saying that his life had been extended. In short he had more time.

I believe God is saying time is running out for your husband BUT you can turn the hands of time and God can extend his time here on earth.

I pray this gives you some insite. If not just disregard.

Stay blessed!

Zadok :D
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Post by Kpmehmble43 »

a year ago in May, my husband almost died, which would make the 11th month. I and others interceded and God gave him more time. My husband is miserably ill. I don't want to go into that because I feel like a broken record, but although his health has declined tremendously, and he is still taking the poison-chemo...I know God is able, but I also believe that God gave him time to get things in order spiritually. God is in total control.
I was wondering if God was preparing me once again, as he gave me signs when my mother was getting ready to pass. She also passed last year from Colon cancer with mets. My husband has stage 1v breast cancer with mets to all of his bones. i prayed fervently for her as well, but it was God's sovereign will to take her and I am okay with that, as I know this is just a temporary place.
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Post by zadokpriest »

God had showed me sometime ago when praying for those with some type of long term sickness - we have to pray no only for their healing BUT most of all for their strength. Many get tired and thus give in and give up. Scripture says do not get weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap. Many don't reap because they get tired. The old time saints us to say pray my strength in the Lord. They already had the faith for what they where believe it was the strength need to receive and yes conceive the manifestation of that promise.

Pray for his strength as many who endure chemo are tired. It is not because God doesn't or can't healed it is many times people get tired of fighting for the manifestation and yes there are times we have to contend as with Daniel he asked but it took 21 days for the manifestation. Had he grown weary, tired or lost hope even strength to endure he would not have obtain the promise which was the answer to his prayers.

Post prayer request in the prayer section - many here would love to pray for you and your husband.

Please give his name and I too will pray for his strength as that is what is needed at this junction.

Strength for BOTH you and him.

Stay Blessed and Know the You & Your Husband are greatly loved by the Father.

Zadok :D
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Post by Kpmehmble43 »

thanks Zadok,
How I know! We have been going through this since 2005. So we are not new to this. Our constant prayer vigil is stregnth. Well thank you, again.
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Post by zadokpriest »

Amen my friend amen!!! I pray that God will not only strengthen you and your husband but that JOY will be granted as well.

Zadok :D
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Post by imavessel »

I don't want to read the comments you have received until after I post. Just want to give my initial "impressions". (Have not trusted myself in interpretation, although I know, God gifted me here- for whatever reason. Just, have been struggling greatly and going through much. & Do not want to give anything to anyone that isn't helpful. So at least on mine----pray. Do not accept anything that Holy Spirit does not say yes to).

Is it at all possible that in some sense you have started letting go-? I mean, that because of all you guys have went through, just kinda view the whole situation now---- like he has lived longer than they expected? That you kinda feel that "it is time to go" or that you have gone past what was expected . . . i.e. you saw the "clock" on the wall. Check out must have been 11. It was now 11:14.

He rebutts, saying no . . . it wasn't time. That it was not check out yet. But you come back and tell him, yes, yes it is.

While running around, trying to do what you can to be ready, . . . THEN he falls over. Bloody and bruised. Not intending offense here, just wonder . . . is it all all possible that somehow in your being probably an awesome wife, doing all you know to do-----and dealing with it yourself also . . . that somehow he feels you have given up on him? -Even coming back------ saying aloud to you----and/or asking for more time? The rib, because you are his wife . . . so his woundedness being there somehow-----? ((there is a part in this part that maybe requires some intense intercession - - - not that husband has done anything wrong, . .. but Moses stood in the gap for the people of Israel--- and he did not relent, though he would have had good reason to. & God heard Moses's cry . . . ))

but an emotional hurt your hubby "could be" having . . . is something that they do not send the ambulance for . . .

Your next dream saw him at the door. Doors open and they shut. We walk through them or we do not. Could be that this "could go" either way . . . could be you "view" your hubby there . . . or could, indeed be, the Lord showing you where he is truly at.

When your husband out of the blue told you his dream---- 1, it probably was because it bothered him. He wanted to share, despite the content. & Probably wanted your view, even though maybe a little scared to hear it.

Could be the Lord has shown him, that he is indeed "going home".

Could be that he is now surrendering to that thought.

Could even be that he was shown the celebration of him and his life-

And it brought him some sense of peace . . . knowing how many people came----- as he was "home".

I do not know you. Or him. & I do know God can do absolutely anything. ANYTHING. I am a firm believer that if we don't go off in one way or another with our emotions, "we" are actually the best ones to interpret the dreams God gave us. Why? Because He speaks to each of us in a way that He knows from creating us . . . how we perceive . . . . So above all else, it isn't what any of us see---- it isn't what doctor's say. It certainly isn't what we see or feel in the "natural". It is what is God saying about the situation-? . . .
in this case, to you . . . .

It would seem in the beginning that he is not ready, or does not want to go . . . he was asking for more time . . .

I don't know if his own dream then shows a transition---where he has moved from one mindset to another . . .

& I do not know what God's intention is here. But i do know that if we succumb to God, then we are at the right place, making right decisions. But if we succumb to human ideas of what the outcome is . . . then we aren't necessarily . . . -?

God bless you for all that you have walked through. God bless him for all he has been through in body, spirit and mind . . .

WHATEVER YOU NEED, . . . there are people here that will truly take it to GOD. Whatever. If you feel in your heart that you are to pray and intercede, we will. We will and we will until you feel otherwise.

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Post by Kpmehmble43 »

I wanted to post a reply although it has been quite some time. I now know that the dream was a preparation for my husband. He died in the 11th month of that year. It pretty much happen as such. The cancer spread to his liver. He had started letting go...he did want more time; however, he had suffered and God knew. He had a beautiful homegoing with the motorcades. I did not request it, but his friends and family members arranged that without my knowledge. I miss him so much! We also had a huge block party, 30 days before his death and it was just absolutely awesome!

Just wanted to follow up. Thanks
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Post by keilani »

Thank you for sharing of your husband's wonderful homegoing sister. I know many of us have and still do think of you and keep you in prayer. I know he is in Heaven watching, praying and speaking God's wonderful plans over your lives!

I don't know if you've seen it but Kat Kerr's testimony of the Portal she saw in Heaven was and is a great encouragement to me and many others who have family who have returned to the Father.

Thanking Abba for healing, restoration and for dreaming His dreams in and through you and your son once again. May His Shalom Peace fill, keep and comfort you!
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Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
and...enlighten everyone about God’s secret plan—a secret that has been hidden for ages in God who has created all things.
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Post by keilani »

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Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
and...enlighten everyone about God’s secret plan—a secret that has been hidden for ages in God who has created all things.