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House, pool, naked, Katherine Hepburn

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 3:56 am
by bella
I had a dream with Katherine Hepburn in it. She was in her later years, but not at all feeble.

I have NO IDEA what she may represent, and I haven't got any opinion of her. I know tiny bit about her life and personality. Surprised she turned up in a dream because I haven't seen any of her movies for ages, and never was that interested in them in any case.

In the dream, she was gardening, and holding a small chain saw to trim plants.

I was inside a house, looking out the window to the garden where she was standing. This garden was at th front of the house. I could see a woman outside hiding behind bushes. Spying on KH. Then the woman came out from the bushes and started towards KH from behind. So KH didn't know she was being approached.

I had the sense that this woman had had an affair with KH's husband some years before. KH knew about her. KH had this attitude that was really good. The affair was in the past. It's over. Move on.

I yelled out 'GET AWAY FROM HER NOW'. They couldn't hear me for the sound of the chain saw. But the woman did stop without hurting her. I think I yelled again. KH turned around and saw the other woman. KH said something to her I think and tapped the woman on the shoulder with the flat part of the chainsaw blade (now turned off).

Prior to that scene there was a part where I looked to the swimming pool outside (very close to the house, just beyond a small court yard). A woman with dementia or something like that had added water to the pool. So the water was breaching the edge of the pool. A man standing near me - a groundsman I think - said 'she has no idea that we don't fill pools up that much here in America'. I'm not American so obviously I was in the U.S. in this house.

I was then walking around the edge of the pool. I was wet and naked. Some young guy was in the pool, I think with his girlfriend. I was trying to cover up as much of my body as I could and then get trying to get inside the house. I got to the little courtyard that had house on three sides and the pool on the fourth side, but the screen door was locked so I wrapped myself up in the white curtain, while I waited for someone to come and unlock the door so I could get inside and cover up. The groundsman walked towards me and said something. I think he found it amusing.

I got inside and was in a bedroom. I realised someone was outside looking in the windows to try to see me. Kind of stalking me. I think he was into me but I wasn't interested in him. I went into the bathroom next door and realised all the windows (more windows, windows everywhere) weren't covered. So I tried to close the blind and realised they were all electronic, so I had to work out which little button to push to get the blinds to close. Had to do this on several windows. Large bathroom. Toilet in one corner. Had to do a little #2. Was trying to be quick before someone walked in on me.

I remember at one stage, leaning on the door to keep it closed as I heard someone walk past in the hall. It was a barn door style, so the top part was locked, but the bottom part of the door seemed loose and maybe not locked. That's the bit I was leaning on to keep it firm, not rattley, so that whoever it was outside, couldn't get in.

Strange dream. Beautiful house.

This whole dream had a really good feel about it.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 11:08 am
by Newbie
Hello Crackerjack, I believe Katherine may symbolize an aspect of yourself; I view her as spiritual influence. Ms. Hepburn was notable for playing headstrong, sophisticated, and graceful characters with a hidden vulnerability. She came from affluence and wealth, well when you are in His Kingdom you come from this. So I view you protecting or guarding yourself from things that are not of Him. The woman spying speaks as a spiritual influence that is trying to get information on you; the enemy has spies on the battlefield. The chainsaw spoke to me as the Word and it being used (sword is a part of our armor and a chainsaw does has blades).
The pool spoke as a spiritual place or condition. The woman adding more water I envision this as a flooding the pool which to me symbolizes an infliction; much like when the dragon tried to flood the woman out in Revelations. The woman with dementia spoke as a spiritual influence. Dementia deals with cognition, so to me the woman symbolizes strongholds of the mind or infirmity (mental health issues). In regards to your nakedness, do you feel vulnerable at times? I believe this parallels that of Ms. Hepburn’s symbolism. Additionally, the stalker parallels that of the woman prying on Ms. Hepburn. Using the bathroom and with the fear of others seeing you speaks as a feeling of vulnerability. These are thoughts for your consideration, tossed if miss the mark.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 11:22 am
by bella
That's interesting. I hadn't connected the reflection of the same symbols - woman spying on KH, bloke spying on me; vulnerability.

I'm thinking now that it's about healthy boundaries too.

Not sure why the groundsman (he was there but he wasn't really clear) would point out that I'm in the U.S. "here in America we don't do that ...". Because the thing is, we don't overfill swimming pools here either. Strange.

One of the beauties of this dream was the front garden where KH was standing. Very formal and elegant. I think there were rose bushes in the centre with the garden hedged with a hedging plant. Much like you would expect to see in one of her movies, as was the house. Elegant. Not over the top. Hm.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 11:29 am
by Newbie
Hello Crackerjack, I have heard that roses is a symbol for Christ and His Church. The garden speaks as fertile ground. In regards to the US symbolism, what does the US symbolize to you. For example, different countries or states of the US symbolizes different things to me. Hawaii is a like a home to me so to me this would be a bout a heart issue. France and Russia is not positive while Isreal speaks as His Bride. For others countries symbolizes a mindset. Just some thoughts to help.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 11:34 am
by Newbie
Do you think the groundsman was Jesus telling you something?

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 3:51 am
by bella
I was leaning towards that it was Jesus. Good natured man. I felt completely at ease talking to him.

What does the U.S.A. mean to me? Well it's one of the countries wanted to visit. In terms of a heart issue, I can't say that it's 'home' to me, because I already live in the best country in the world :wink: but it's definitely up there on one of the countries I'd like to have a long visit.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 11:58 am
by Newbie
Prior to that scene there was a part where I looked to the swimming pool outside (very close to the house, just beyond a small court yard). A woman with dementia or something like that had added water to the pool. So the water was breaching the edge of the pool. A man standing near me - a groundsman I think - said 'she has no idea that we don't fill pools up that much here in America'. I'm not American so obviously I was in the U.S. in this house.
Not sure why the groundsman (he was there but he wasn't really clear) would point out that I'm in the U.S. "here in America we don't do that ...". Because the thing is, we don't overfill swimming pools here either. Strange.
When something is flooded it speaks of fear, theft, and/or destruction. The pool can symbolize several things, but it may symbolize you as you are a part of the Body. So it looks like an unclean spirit is attempting to “flood” you with destructive devices; however, the Lord is saying none of that is being allowed in His Body (the pool). I am gathering that the US symbolizes your mind (state of mind). So perhaps the Lord is showing where the enemy is or has been attempting to attack you at. The woman because of her mental capacity speaks as spirit dealing with the thought process or mind. Just some added thoughts for your discernment.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 1:02 pm
by imavessel
The only part my mind kept zeroing in on is the you being naked part.

& That in no way interprets this whole dream.

But what I keep thinking is that

God is bringing you into a different "season" and in this "season" He will bring you out of your comfort zone. By the very things He has you involved in or more involved in, there is a need to be more open and "transparent". You needn't worry because you are "covered" (i.e. the white drape). He knows your anxieties and tendency to kinda "hide-away" or withdrawal . . . and how you like your privacy . . . but He has placed you inside His house and there you will have free reign. You will be able to clearly look out and see everything around you. You will realize at some point that others are looking upon you or to you- but God will set it up that way. & When you have the unction to withdrawal, He will "walk in" ---be with you. Have no fear, be still and KNOW that HE is GOD!


This was a very positive godly dream! WOW! Cool!

Please toss if Holy Spirit does not agree-----------

but I am excited for you. I feel you are on the cusp of kinda caterpillar to butterfly mode. & I believe that one day you will look back to the time prior and almost not recognize yourself. :)

Please keep us informed of what He is doing in your life!~

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 3:35 am
by bella
When something is flooded it speaks of fear, theft, and/or destruction. The pool can symbolize several things, but it may symbolize you as you are a part of the Body. So it looks like an unclean spirit is attempting to “flood” you with destructive devices; however, the Lord is saying none of that is being allowed in His Body (the pool). I am gathering that the US symbolizes your mind (state of mind). So perhaps the Lord is showing where the enemy is or has been attempting to attack you at. The woman because of her mental capacity speaks as spirit dealing with the thought process or mind. Just some added thoughts for your discernment.
I think that's right. It certainly makes sense to me. I think God called me to the U.S. as a child. I still haven't gotten there. Lots of interference along the way.
God is bringing you into a different "season" and in this "season" He will bring you out of your comfort zone. By the very things He has you involved in or more involved in, there is a need to be more open and "transparent". You needn't worry because you are "covered" (i.e. the white drape). He knows your anxieties and tendency to kinda "hide-away" or withdrawal . . . and how you like your privacy . . . but He has placed you inside His house and there you will have free reign. You will be able to clearly look out and see everything around you. You will realize at some point that others are looking upon you or to you- but God will set it up that way. & When you have the unction to withdrawal, He will "walk in" ---be with you. Have no fear, be still and KNOW that HE is GOD!
Imavessel, that could be right too. I'm pretty transparent, but not interested in being naked. And I don't like being watched. But I'm getting used to it.

I definitely know God's doing a lot at the moment.

Thanks for your help, ladies. :D