large ladybug in bathroom/acid burns

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large ladybug in bathroom/acid burns

Post by LarrytheDreamer »

In this dream from this morning, I was in what felt like a bathroom in my soon-to-be ex wife's house.
I had a shaving kit and I placed it on the counter-top. As I leaned in toward the sink, I noticed a ladybug on the front of the sink. The ladybug was about the size of a silver with black polkadots. Then the ladybug flew away and I started shaving.
I kept brushing my teeth over and over and over.
So next the scene changes and I'm out of the shower and brushing my hair back. I notice my face is tan but I have a long acid burn on my left jawline.
My wife calls my cell phone and I answer it. She said "what are you doing on B-104?" I was thinking that was a radio station. I don't have a radio station called B-104 in my area. She was arguing with me so I hung up.
I knew I was about to go to a church, but I was concerned about having an acid burn on my face

Thanks for reading
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Post by theonlywan »

Hi LarrytheDreamer!
I am not sure about the ladybug. Brushing one's teeth can symbolize needing clean/clear 'wisdom' and 'discernment' ... The dream in general appears to be about your ex wife & I think is a warning to you to watch out for bitterness/anger towards her as you may feel you've been 'burned' (the acid burn is indicative of this).
God bless you & lead you to all truth & healing, relationship stuff can be difficult to wade thru. Toss if this is off the mark.
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Post by imavessel »



Anyway, I will pray and you also. Do not accept unless Holy Spirit gives you a nudge. I only had one thoughts about the one same the, the acid burn.

I thought of one, you being left with a "scar" from the impending divorce- or wondering if you view yourself that way, as it was you looking in the mirror and while you were "getting cleaned up" and "ready" . . . for church . . .

But if that is the case, I want to encourage you----because I also had another thought-----

& It was Jacob, who wrestled all night long before going in to face his brother (or you the people) and he basically said, "I won't let go until you bless me!" He was struck in the hip (if I remember right) and walked with a "limp" the rest of his days------BUT

His name was also changed to "Israel" and he received his promise . . .


P.S. So, maybe you will walk away with a scar, but it will just be a constant reminder of ALL that God brought you through.
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Post by eyes.enlightened »

As I leaned in toward the sink, I noticed a ladybug on the front of the sink.
ladybugs -- a sign of overcoming (they eat aphids that destroy plants); helpful garden guardians

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Post by Newbie »

Hello Larry, it appears that you are in a place where you are processing some issues involving your estrange wife (the bathroom). You are trying to put some things away and start afresh (shaving beard). A few thoughts comes to me in regards to the acid, (1) you may be concern about ridicule or mockery (2) or facing bitterness from your wife which may scar you. I view the sink as prayer and the lady bug as blessing coming your way. Lady bugs to me represent fruitfulness or abundance. The teeth brushing spoke as making you r words or thoughts pure; using Godly wisdom. The hair brushing also indicated you going through a change and your tan may signify soaking up the Spirit during this time. These are just some thoughts for your consideration.
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Post by LarrytheDreamer »

Thanks everyone for your replies! I appreciate them very much. This has been very painful and I'm so thankful that Papa God is on the scene.
