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Painting steps in a deep reddish color with a leaf

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 10:27 pm
by Counted4Him
Hi & blessings:

What would it mean to paint two steps a deep reddish color with a leaf?

These steps were someones brick house that I do not know (a male). I skipped the first step and painted the second & third step but not the other two as they were going up into this home. It was a close-up and prior I saw it had a black and white color. I don't know my reason for doing this. Any thoughts thanks!

Happy pre-Memorial day to all...Shalom!

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:54 pm
by Lily_Rose_Song
Hi Counted,

Some thoughts ...

So you’re turning a new leaf, or a leaf of a different color, eh? Or actually, a leaf WITH a different color. :mrgreen:

I believe the steps refer to a process and that you will have an impact on someone, or something.

a brick house = a solid structure, firm, perhaps even rigid?
leaves represent growth or a covering
Painting with a leaf, I believe represents an effort to impact someone (or some group)
deep reddish = compassion, wisdom, the blood of Christ

Could painting the steps deep reddish represent praying for someone, or some establishment, and pleading the blood of Christ for them?


Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:23 pm
by Counted4Him
Lily Rose Song

Turning a new leaf..that caught my attention. You gave me something more to think about concerning a impact on someone and I have been praying for someone and the establishment of this person. I feel very positive. God sure is awesome and so was your insight! More of Jesus and His anointing upon you and your finances in Jesus name.

God bless!

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:25 pm
by Lily_Rose_Song
Hi again Counted,

I just found your dream post and read it and some (not all) of the replies.

Here are some more thoughts: in dreams, I've had a big brick house represented a church - a well established church or religious body or denomination. The fact the steps look black and white, and the church looks "one way" from the outside, but actually has a beautiful foundation and garden, speaks to me of how we (the church) often view traditional established churches. We see the "black and white", but perhaps God sees the beautiful growth (the gardens) and the beauty in the foundation (foundational truths and principles) of these well established, brick-solid churches. The Roman columns - I think of the Christian church whose foundation is in ancient Rome. They are, after all, the church heading up the fight against the attack on certain of our religious freedoms right now. We often do not see the heart (the foundation) - or the growth (the gardens) like God does.)

So here's what I think your dream means - you represent those believers of us who are well meaning, who are praying for those well-established churches we think need "help", those we view as rigid and unyielding, those we see as "black and white" (right or wrong). But God has something wonderful going on inside some of these religious establishments that we just don't see without being shown.

I think God is giving more and more dreams that are not just "all about us." I think this dream is one of them. It may well have a two-fold meaning - one to you personally, but also I believe you have been given something to pray about. In this case, I believe its the view of those of us who think less of other churches, believing our approach is the right one, without really knowing or understanding what's going on behind the scenes (or behind the brick walls).

BTW - I do think painting the steps red with a leaf represents praying for them and pleading the blood of Christ over them. And I think the homeowner could well be the Holy Spirit who is showing you (representative of us) how he sees these churches.

Interesting dream - point well taken. Tx for sharing it. God is awesome! :D

My thoughts. More blessings 'atcha & hugs,