The President and I

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The President and I

Post by freedinHim »

I behave like a baby when I don't have my way, may be like a mature baby. I had been down since Tuesday night because I was disappointed, not happy at the way the presidential election went. But this evening, God visited with me and I am not sure what it all meant, the only thing I know is that I am jaded (in a positive way if that is possible), completely.
In the dream, I was in Italy (where we are headed in a few days). I did a couple of banking on my phone (IRL I only have a standard phone, not capable of any function other than make or receive calls). We were staying in a chalet. One morning, I went in to a shared leaving room, and in there was President Obama, sitting on a sofa, reading a book. I left him alone. Then I knew I should have said hello at least. I went back in and I got close to him and I said "Mr. President, I am sorry I do not intend to be rude, but I felt you wanted to be alone since you are on holiday. Believe me, I am honored to be sharing a chalet with you, you are the President of US, my country for crying out aloud. Here you are, no FBI, no security around you. I am awed. Mr. President, I cannot believe how humble you are! Politics indeed demonized people"
He just smiled. My son and wife by now have joined us. My son said a word in a language he does not speak but I understood him and I looked at him and at my wife. He was shaking like he wanted to prophesy, only he did not. He just looked straight at the president and said "you pray" and he proceeded to. But he asked for a pen, as if he wanted to write what my son said in tongues. Then his younger daughter came in and his son and that was the end of the dream
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Post by LadyinChrist »

God is doing unusual miracles. I believe this is literally happening. I know from experiencing this. President Obama prays faithfully. :) I'm sure he is amazed himself. The Lord is ruling over him.
He loves the American people, and Gods children. I pray you see this and I'm sure he prays you see this also.

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The President and I

Post by freedinHim »

Thank you for your input, LadyInChrist.
I have two questions and I will appreciate a response from any one here
1. Is this dream of relevance to our impending journey to Italy?
2. What does this dream say about President Obama?
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Post by Newbie »

Hello FreedinHim, what I got from the dream about Obama is that he is a praying and humble man that is alone. I also agree with the dream you, that politics can demonized people. In regards for your trip, I recalled right before taking our family vacation to Crete,Greece, I had this dream of a place that was no where in particular; however, upon driving to our family inn, I had déjà vu, the area that we were in was the same area I was traveling in my dream. The dream I had showed me some things that we would encountered on our first day in the spirit realm. Long story short, I hate being lost in a foreign country and that is exactly what happened, my husband finally the hang of driving and became familiarize with certain areas.
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Post by TexasTransplant »

Hi freedinHim, you're in Katy, I'm in The Woodlands--we're neighbors! That's neat. Anyway, I loved this dream. I agree with Newbie about it and I think we should accept (although it's hard) that God 'sets up kings' and we should pray earnestly for him. I just heard something SO encouraging on television as I was passing through the room. A Jewish rabbi was on one of the christian networks talking about 9/11. He said that when the last beam was being raised to go on the newly rebuilt tower and would be the highest part of the highest building in our country, that they asked Pres. Obama to write something on it. What he wrote, unknowingly no doubt, was word for word a phrase from Isaiah that was something to the effect of (wish I could remember it all), "We will rebuild and we will stand forever." He said it was word for word and gave all sorts of other examples of the significance of this. It encouraged me by showing me that God does indeed have his hand on this man and can accomplish anything He wants with anybody he wants, whether they know him or not. I don't know, I was extremely upset about the election too at first, but now I feel this extreme compassion towards him. Has to be the Lord. Have we looked up the word 'Italy' yet to see if it holds a meaning here? I was just about to because of my own italian reference from a dream last night. I'll let you know if it looks significant :).
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Post by LadyinChrist »


I don't know if you are in Italy already, or what part you are going to, but there is much going on from what I read in the news today. "Rivers spilling over banks." Flooding in Venice, and cities around Venice. Storm headed toward Rome, Italy. :o

A need to pray while you are there....hopefully you are safe and have a safe phone....becareful. ... &uid=13151

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Post by LadyinChrist »

I don't know, but he could have been reading a mystery novel or he could have been reading this......
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The President and I

Post by freedinHim »

Wow! I am overwhelmed by all these responses. Newbie, Texas Transplant and Lady in Christ. Thank you so much.
I am touched by "alone' that Newbie mentioned. He has a job that has been held by less than 30 people since 1776! A huge load on his head.
Now Texas Transplant and Lady in Christ, I was just thinking of checking on the significance of Italy. I will check on the going on now. we are still here, and will not be traveling til the end of the week.
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Post by LadyinChrist »

Hello freedinHim,

I also know 2 of his favorite hobbies are reading and writing.

I learned this of his interview with children in the Scholastic News,
school magazine. Interesting he is including your son in a prayer interview. :) Too cute. ... rack-obama

If that means anything to you. :)

Keep us posted on the upcoming trip.


Another interesting thing to me is that the title/heading of Scolastic News is....
(Read, Learn, Motivate, Inspire) ... index.html
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Post by Newbie »

Hello FreedinHim, I am not sure of what part of Italy you are going to and from your dream you and the President was staying at the same chateau. Based off the simple symbolism of a president, what comes to me is a key leader or someone who is in position of authority. My family and I have traveled to Rome and I must say that there is something is heavy in the atmosphere there. Perhaps it’s a heads up to pray not only over your family but the country in particular. I do recall that once on one of the excursions to see the Holy Steps, I was hit by the Spirit upon walking out the door. There was this elderly homeless woman begging for coins and I recalled how I began to cry for her. I recalled getting a few stares; however, the woman was happy that I gave what I could to her. Although I cherish this seemingly uneventful day, I recall going back to those steps a few days later; however, the devil was busy that day and instead of feeling what I had felt the exact opposite of what I felt a few days prior. The same elderly woman was there and this time I did not walk in her direction. Upon arriving home, something just felt off, if that makes since. So I said all of that to say, please stay prayed up and anoint you and your family with some oil. I also recommend praying over whatever hotel or spot you are playing on staying in. I hopes this helps and toss if it don’t.
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Post by Newbie »

After the election night and my early morning quiet time on Wednesday, I went to review my email and found the email that Steve Strang of Charisma sent out. This was the first synopsis of review for this national event that I knew I was to read. I love people like Steve, that hold the ideals of what was developed through the early wars for freedom in this land as the plumb line for our future.

However, I then had to stop, reflect, and remember before the Lord what the Lord showed me on May 31, 2008. I have shared this vision since that time in most states and eventually will publish what I saw in a book to reveal what each State’s future aligning covenantal relationship with a Holy God looks like for the future.

Let me review this visitation: The Vision!

On May 31, 2008, I was preparing to speak at a large gathering at Liberty State Park in New Jersey near Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. Suddenly, the Lord gave me a vision of our nation. He took me three years into the future and began to let me hear and see what our future would look like. He first showed me my own bloodline and the glory and iniquity of its history. He then showed me three years ahead and the two iniquitous spirits that would try to capture my children and children’s children.

In Redeeming The Time, I wrote the following: “On May 31, 2008, the Lord showed me His triumphant reserve. He raised me and showed me the nation of the United States of America. First, He revealed His remnant and where they were positioned. Next, He showed me their strength from state to state to state. He showed me how many were moving over into the enemy’s camp of religion. He showed me how others were aligning around race and gender as opposed to mission call and gifting.

Then He showed me high places. These were altars that had been built by the enemy and positioned strategically throughout the land. I saw how the sacrifices on these altars were empowering and keeping an atmosphere held captive by ruling hosts. Next, the Lord showed me the atmosphere. In this vision, He showed me different layers of the atmosphere in relationship to His presence versus the demonic spiritual rule in that particular area or region. (Some areas have already been taken over, and darkness actually rules those areas.) There were ten ruling centers already developed within the United States. Then He showed me the communication systems between these centers. I saw how one sacrifice empowered one dimension of an evil presence, and then that presence would communicate to another center as together they networked their plan of control. (I could go into great detail here, but I will wait for another time to do this. As a matter of fact, I believe it would be unwise to share everything I saw. In the next book when we are dealing with worship, perhaps I will share more.)

The Lord also showed me covenant roots. He actually showed me the level of nurturing that was still grafted to His covenant root, which He had developed from Abraham’s obedience. He showed me how this nation had first been nurtured by that root, but now lifelines from the root system had withered. Actually, some of the lifelines in parts of this nation had dried up, and the root system of that part of the nation had changed, allowing a different root structure to be formed.

He then showed me our conflict between the root systems. These conflicts in the next several years would determine what sort of fruit would be brought forth in this nation. He showed me that the conflicts would multiply and intensify. I actually saw orchards of contention. The interesting portion of this vision was that different people groups in each orchard created a different type of fruit than had been tasted of in past seasons. The only thing I could relate to biblically was the church that came out of Antioch. The Antioch church was an international church that came about for kingdom advancement for that season in history.

Next, He showed me how the communication system in the United States was linked with systems internationally and how a new form of global communications was forming in the demonic world. This communication would control financial and legal structures.

However, He showed me that His remnant was building new freedom outposts or apostolic centers. He called this remnant His ‘triumphant reserve.’ I saw twenty-three freedom outposts in twenty-three states. He then showed me other outposts that needed to form in some places, and still others where the spiritual atmosphere was now not conducive to freedom. A new type of war would have to develop to regain that portion of the land. He actually showed me how prayer strategies from the last season would be of no effect in this season. Nazareth and Capernaum are good examples of this in Jesus’s day. I also thought of how the Lord told the disciples, 'This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting' (Matt. 17:21).

He then showed me new calls being extended from heaven and angels bringing those calls into the earth. The intercession and travail of today are opening the gates of heaven for these calls to come to the appropriate individuals who will lead in this hour. Next, He showed me His new leadership. This was a leadership of not just the young generation but also realigned generations. It was as if David’s mighty army for this hour was being chosen in a threefold generational alignment. When they aligned, their hearts became one with His, and the strength to overcome was released. God has deposited revelation and vision within you that will be called up for such a time as this."

The last three years, the Lord has been developing and identifying Apostolic Centers for the future. These Centers will be used to produce a threefold generational Kingdom Advancement.

The Lord showed me after the first three years into President Obama's first term, America's covenant alignment would polarize and the America as we know would no longer exist but begin to fade quickly. That occurred in May, 2011. President Obama made a statement that was overlooked by most that set all of this in motion. Next, He showed me that by within three years (by May 31, 2011), a statement would be made regarding Israel in this nation that would realign the nation and determine the future of this land. (With President Obama’s speech of mid-May 2011 endorsing the Palestinians' demand for their own state based on borders that existed before the 1967 Middle East war, I believe that statement was made (this returns us to the warfare dimension of that season and time in U.S. History!) I sense that three years into this last term there was a shift to turn America from its current covenant aligned form into a new form.

I then saw a massive storm hitting the East Coast. This storm would be sent as a sign for this shift that would come on the East coast and water would cover Atlantic City. (I visited this area again in June, 2012, reiterated the word, and the prophetic team mobilized prayer up and down the coasts of New Jersey and Delaware.) The Lord shared that when this city went under water, this would signify the beginning of a necessary infrastructure shift that would begin in the East Coast. This would not only greatly effect New York and New Jersey, but then Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Saint Louis, Charlotte, Atlanta, and Miami Dade County metroplexes. These mega structures would rearrange their governments in a confederation that would not promote Christianity as the first spiritual influence of the land, but embrace other forms of religious alignments that would make handshakes politically to control their regions. After this, the West Coast would begin to shake from San Diego to Seattle.

By 2016 there would have to be a revolution of revelation attached to the apostolic centers. These Centers, or outposts, will be known as contending governmental influences very much like in John the Baptist, Jesus, and the Apostles day. Once again, the Lord’s warning to “beware of the Pharisees and Herodians” will become a reality! The covenant rights of this land will once again be contended for.

However, the battlefields will not be the present battlefields. These contending governments will address the IRS and Electoral College structures. They will address the current ruling power of the Federal Reserve System. They will address the Health Care Structure that presently is meant to take away our freedom to heal and be healed. They will address and propose a New America with redistributed power! Texas will be Central in the redevelopment of this over the next 4 years. Arizona, Alabama, Alaska, and Tennessee will arise and be leading contenders of freedom.

Are we ready for this? We must be if our children's children are to have any opportunity for covenant freedom in this next season. In these next three years, the church will return to its First Love, secure its candlestick, receive incredible compassion and be ready for the war ahead.

I see a new prophetic intercessory movement ahead to help us make this shift into Kingdom alignment. I see media forces like Charisma instrumental in this shift. The voice of the Lord must be restored to our land. There is no need to pray for the America we have known but we must begin to pray and intercede to develop a New Wineskin America. The inalienable rights that were promised in the original covenant that was made with Godly men and women in this land, will have to be dusted off, untangled, and replanted for other generations to enjoy. This new wineskin must be developed so God can pour revelation into us to war for a covenant that still exists, but is no longer in functional relationship with Him. He longs to visit here in the earth realm in the land that has been called America. He still has a plan of fullness, but the war and leadership for this plan are now taking a drastic transformational shift.


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Post by LadyinChrist »

Out of the mouth of babes.... :) ... ure=fvwrel

I'm not sure about the multi-million dollar ideas, but I agree with the rest... :lol:

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The President and I

Post by freedinHim »

Thanks a lot. We set aside time to wait on the Lord over the journey. I have read and continue to read every input. Thanks to all y'all as we say in Texas.
Good news, I called the hotel, flooding was restricted to Venice and other parts of Tuscany. We remain dry.
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Post by Newbie »

Hello FreedinHim, the only thing I got on the banking is the conversion of US dollars to Euro. Another thought is perhaps you should inform your bank that you are traveling overseas. I know with our bank, if we use the teller machine on the economy our bak will freeze the account because it looks suspicious. Therefore we notify them that we are going to such and such country, if there is not a military facility to access funds. Perhaps, this may be the case with phone/banking symbolism.
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Post by LadyinChrist »

I was brought to the rememberance of this dream today, after listenening to Dr Myles. ... ncis-myles

Never ever give up praying for the President. I knew what he meant when he said he wasn't sending in foot soldiers to Syria. I knew what he meant when he was at the G-20 this week and said "this was a heavy lift." It certainly was, but was lifted. :) Glory to God!
"He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."
Mathew 3:11