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Praying for Uncle Phil & End of the World

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 12:19 am
by bjcollin
Dream #1

I am leading a church service in a room in a public auditorium type of building. The church service starts to turn into a healing service. I am praying for people to be healed and about 4 out of every 6 people that I prayed for were getting healed. This large black very well dressed gentleman came forward for prayer, and I recognized him as the movie star James Avery who played the Uncle Philip Banks on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

I was praying for him and I started to feel the anointing start to flow as it had before with the other people who I had prayed for and they had gotten healed. As I was about to lay hands on him, the dream then shifts to the parking lot out side the auditorium building.

Now Uncle Phil is driving a large black Cadillac Escalade SUV and following me on foot through the parking lot from one side of the building to the other side of the building. On the side of the building I am on I see the cars in the parking lot look like older cars and a lot just like normal everyday cars that you would see in any parking lot. When we get to the other side of the building all of the cars are very rich in nature, and include Porsche’s, Cadillac’s, and other luxury cars. After Uncle Phil parks his Escalade, we enter the building again, only this time it is into another church service of a well known healing evangelist minister. I start to pray for him in that service as well, but I don’t feel right about it somehow, so I start to leave to go back to the other service I was ministering at.

Dream #2

God was destroying the world by a flood in this dream. The world had about 1 month of warning as to the impending destruction. I was then shown two very different camps. In the first camp, it was utter chaos and mayhem going on before the end of their world. Everybody was fighting each other and killing each other and stealing from each other and stepping all over everybody in their attempt to try to get to safety the best they knew how. In the end the water still overwhelmed them and everybody died. I was then shown the second camp, it was a community which had built a concrete underground bunker with walls which were 6 foot thick. When it came time for the flood, everybody from the town went inside the bunker and they shut the doors tight. There were others that were not from the community which were mad that they were not allowed inside the bunker. They even tried to use dynamite and grenades to crack the bunker in their anger, but it was to no avail. When the flood came, the water rose over the bunker surrounding it, and it leaked a little bit in several places, but in the end when the waters receded they came out of the bunker and everything was ok. I was actually appalled at the level of indifference and level of rudeness of these people who were saved from the flood toward the people who were perishing and who had died in the flood. In the ending scene of the dream I am standing outside of the bunker city on the shore of a beach watching the people start to play in the water. They are water skiing and jet skiing and frolicking and having fun everywhere and celebrating their safety by having fun. As the dream ended a water skier came by and turned thus throwing a wave up onto the shore which washed over my feet.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 1:06 am
by kbasmommy
praying on this .....

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 3:40 pm
by bjcollin
So far I am taking the first dream as a personal warning to me on some things to watch for upon entering public ministry. The second dream seems to be more about the church at large today and how it operates in the world. Thank you for the prayers. Anyone else getting anything?

in Christ,

one thought

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 4:01 pm
by DeltaDawn
I don't know a lot about the show but I have seen it a time or two. The one thought I had was that Uncle Phil was a judge on the show...


Re: one thought

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:50 pm
by bjcollin
DeltaDawn wrote:I don't know a lot about the show but I have seen it a time or two. The one thought I had was that Uncle Phil was a judge on the show...


Thank you for the reply. I do remember that Uncle Phil was a judge on the show. Although I don't rember that fact coming out a lot in the show, as the show mainly focused on Will Smith and his adventures on moving from a near ghetto in W.Villanova PA to the rich suburb of Bellaire with his rich uncle. Likewise in the dream I think he seemed to represent the rich class vs working class more for me than he represented a judge, although I am not dismissing that fact for the dream either. Thank you.

in Christ,