Radioactive Bank of Yemen

Archives for 2012
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Warrior Princess
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Radioactive Bank of Yemen

Post by Warrior Princess »

At my parents house, they were having a Christmas party/4th of July party. It was a multi-level house and I said, "Gosh, how many Christmas trees can mom have???" because there were so many in the house. People from our past started showing up, even Karen the control freak, and I told her this wasn't a good time. At some point, I asked where our youngest developmentally disabled brother was and I lifted up the blanket over a trundle bed and he was sleeping on a 2nd mattress under there, like bunkbed style ( he was much younger in the dream than he is now). Outside, someone had an app on their Ipod type device and they were showing us it was counting down the minutes till the seating by the lake for the fireworks was full.

Then, I am in a car with my parents, dad driving, mom in passenger seat, me in back. I see my sister and her family riding horses and noticed she was VERY overweight and had a coat with really wide lapels. Then my mom is saying that this guy wanted to take them on a horseback to see the borders of the property for sale but something about it not being a good idea to ride horses in rutt (which I think is a term for deer in heat--?). Then, we are driving through this amazingly beautiful older town in a tropical area, almost looked like ancient ruins. We're seeing very beautiful and colorful rare birds and it was really exciting. Then suddenly a geiger counter feature on my dad's iPod starts going off and I'm asking him where could THAT be coming from??? And he points to the "Bank of Yemen." And I ask him very excitedly if I could post it on my Facebook and he said yes.
~Warrior Princess
"Now come the days of the king."