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cash register to airport...shooting stars and rainbow

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:47 pm
by LarrytheDreamer
Dream starts out where I walk into a convenience store and hear a gunshot. The store appeared to be a sporting goods place or gun store but was set up like a convenience store. I see the cashier had shot at the register. After closer inspection I see a hole in the back of the register about the size of a cantalope and a white rabbit was inside the hole. The rabbit was solid white with red eyes. The guy was trying to kill the rabbit. He missed the first attempt and shot again. The rabbit moved out of the way. Then the guy stuck the gun right up to the rabbits head and shot it a 3rd time. I saw the rabbit fall over dead. The guy handed me the gun and said "this is a 40 cal." I saw it had a laser on it as well.
Scene changed and me and the cashier person were at an airport. I was on the runway and he was standing by some sort of structure. He asked me "If it starts raining tonight, are you willing to travel?" I said yes I am. Now I hold my arms out and take off like an airplane. I am flying in the air and it feels incedible. I see a shell station below and I say out loud "I guess I'm not going to get dog food." Now a cool, misty rain is hitting me in the face and I am elated....and woke was about 5 am
I knew this dream was incredible from the feeling so I laid awake for about an hour or so I prayed to go back to sleep and finally did.

So now I am dreaming that I was in a Doctors office examination room. I was sitting in a countour chair like in a dentists office. My knees were bleeding badly and my sister and brother-in-law were in the office standing near me. My right kneee was bleeding the worst. I was telling my sister and her husband about the first dream about the cash register and flying! I recall my spirits were very high and I was joking with the Doctor. I was saying "Hey doc, I probably leaked alot of blood out...can you top off my tank and let me go?" He told me I was fine and didn't need any transfusion.
Scene changed and I was standing in a field. My sister and bother-in-law were also in the field about 50 yards from me. I noticed my sister was on her knees tending to some plants.
I looked up in the sky and saw 3 shooting stars. The stars were huge and the scene was awesome. I asked my sister if she saw the shooting stars she said no. As I'm asking her that, I see a rainbow in the sky in the same place where the shooting stars originated from. I called her over to me and placed my hand on her shoulder and was pointing up to the sky showing her where I saw the stars and rainbow. Then it started flashing white thunder and flashing in the clouds. I noticed the sky was beautiful with orange and diferent colors and I woke up feeling awesome!

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:59 pm
by Hannah
Wow this is what came up in me, but toss if it doesn't resonate in your spirit.

You have been praying very hard o er something. So hard that your knees are bleeding, making a Christ like sacrifice. The witchcraft or demonic spirits you have been fighting are represented by the rabbit. The gun is the power of your prayers and words, and the cash register seems to have something to do with money.

The rain and the rainbow are the blessings of the Lord pouring down on you!! Rejoice my friend you are about to be blessed!!

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:54 am
by LarrytheDreamer
Thank you Hannah for your reply... Your response lines up with what I was thinking.
God bless you bigtime!


Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:31 am
by Hannah
You're welcome. I am excited for you! Blessings. :lol: