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an offer

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 7:11 am
by sigmon2
hi all
the devil, just made me an offer in my dreams. using my most prolific unrighteousness he offered it to me as a pleasure with unlimited possiblities to continue in it. but he showed me the offer in the form of a book. using a relative i consider extremely worldly as the deal maker and a race of people i hold to be very special to me. so he offered up these people and this unrighteousness to me as it were on a silver platter. but i saw the other side of the coin in the book. Praise the Lord he cannot not hide the small print. contained within the book was the other side of the coin, i would be cut off or unable to to do what the Lord has call for me to do.
now i am not sure if i can even do anything as it is, but i have no intentions of taking this offer praise the Lord. the Lord has loved me through so very much and applied so much grace to me that i must try to carry on, hahahaha........Blessed be the Name of Jesus.....if the Lord wants to remove a work from me ok its His business but i am making no deals with the devil. DEVIL - The LORD REBUKE YOU>>>
thanks all, what a dream i just had from dozing off on the sofa......
see ya

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 4:18 am
by writingheart
This is not an interpretation but some thoughts that came to me .
Your dream reminds me of the temptations that Jesus faced and the interesting thing to note is in His case every thing He was being offered was actually already His or soon going to be His. Satan tried this same thing with Eve, he told her she was lacking in some way. The two trees were already intended for us but kept away for a time to come. Not eating from the two forbidden trees were to be an expression of our love to God through obedience to him. Yet Satan got them to eat and sin against the Lord.
What you were offered in your dream appear(not clear)to be things the Lord has already destined for you but if Satan can get you to believe its from him or that you dont have it then he can hook you into striving or trying to get it by sinning. Its good you saw through his trick.
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning".James 1:17