Michelle Obama

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Michelle Obama

Post by ElijahsTask »

I was with Michelle Obama at a distance outside the white house. This seemed like an open extension of where they were living.

There were no walls, only furniture.

She was sitting in one of those over sized huge chairs that had a busy tapestry to it. I noticed the couch had the same.

She told me to help myself to the food.

I was drawn to this brown board made with slats, and when I touched it sounded off a musical note.

I touched different slats noticing there was a melody being made. Something like "this is my country" or Oh, say can you see" ( the Star Bangled Banner) There were no visible numbers but once the brown slat was touched, a black number would quickly appear then disappear.

There were 7 slats I touched. The number 7 stood out in my mind. I went home to figure it out.

I came back a second day trying to figure out the brown slat board and the mechanics of it, the meaning of the number 7, and why the numbers would appear then quickly disappear.

Upon my arrival, I noticed Michelles' oldest daughter there, said hello, and noticed Michelle had new furniture. It was all a brilliant lemon yellow with a glossy sheen to it. Made me think of lemon chiffon pie.

My focus was to get this brown slat board figured out.
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Post by Newbie »

Hello woman of God, when I think of slats, planks comes to mind. If the slats are indeed planks; perhaps, they are representative of facing a problem or situation. The music playing from it brings to mind harmony. In order for a song to flow, it must have both melody and harmony. You heard the melody but did you hear additional accompaniment? Harmony in the figurative sense means to be in agreement with someone or something. Seven usually represents divine completion.
Because of the WH and MO, I believe this maybe in regards to the US and something that is on a corporate level. In my dream language, MO symbolizes the US. I view the chair she is sitting on a symbol for authority/power. Perhaps this may symbolize a shift the country maybe undergoing. I view the vibrant yellow as representative of a coming into a gift for God (He is doing a makeover in so many words). I will post more if anything else comes to me and toss if nothing pings!
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

Elijha it ,may havenothing to do with this dream but the music reminded me of a wonderful invention Benjamin Franklin made... it was his favorite.,
It was taking the rim of gklasses and putting them on something that woudl turn and hemade a beautiful musical instrument. i wish they made them today..

Its interesting ben franklin warned that America needed to deal with the slavery situation before he died.. i belive he was oneof the first abolotionists... pray on ity and see if theres a link..
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Post by LadyinChrist »

A few points that come to my mind are...

The furnishings seems to stand out, and they are outdoors. It would seem odd to be sitting outside right now, do to the cold, so I would think the colors represent a Spring/Summer time color, or a southern state.

Something will Spring forth. The number 7 will be the sign.

Is. 61:11 For as the earth brings forth its bud,
As the garden causes the things that are sown in it to spring forth,
So the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations.

The songs seem to be "patriotic" songs of the USA. patriotic harmony??? The word patriot comes from the word pater.
Father God. I had a dream about a month ago I was with Obamas.
:) I think the Lord is doing wonderful things. Signs and wonders will follow those who believe.

Michelle was accomodating you, welcoming you.

She is called the First Lady - the wife of a chief executive/president.

She has begun Joining Forces....to help military wives, and veterans to find jobs.

Provided new furnishings...

Do you have a gift in redecorating arts? Are you the wife of a military man?

Personally I love the sound of that color.


Edited to add: I just realized Obamas are in Hawaii right now.
Obama had to travel back to Wash. to finish fiscal vote, then he's on his way back to vacation home in Hawaii. :)

I liked what Obama said today. That the congress doesn't need to focus on polotics, but what is the right thing to do for America. I do believe he was sincere when he said this.

Pray for harmony in the Gov. Pray for Love to prevail. Pray for those in authority as the scriptures command.

LOVE came to mind last night, clanging symbols, although there was harmony, melody when you played them. There has been a change, a warmth a melody, a softening within the Obama
family. I have sensed this, know this. God loves them so much.

The Greatest Gift

13 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned,[a] but have not love, it profits me nothing.

4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.

11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.

13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
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Post by ElijahsTask »

Dear Dear Dear Newbie, jewels and Lady.....

Wow, there are so many great points you've all brought to this post. And I KNOW there is more to this than what has been given to me by the Holy Spirit through the three of you. :wink:

You know, I wanted to answer this post yesterday but the Holy Spirit let me know it wasn't time yet. Reason being was because of what He led me through in the word last night. wow. :shock:

Newbie, I didn't realize this could be a two fold dream until you equated slats with planks. I immediately wondered what I had in my own eye that I was missing the mark on thus causing a lack of "harmony".
I still need to process all that you wrote and will get back to you on this.
I DO so much appreciate and value your input as always.

jewels, I like what you added. The word abolitionists really stands out here to me it has grieved me... I have always always always abhorred the fact that we would treat people so unkind, inhuman, unfeeling and the list goes on and on, making them slaves etc.

I know there were slaves talked about in the Bible....... however,
I dislike mans inhumanity to man. It's ugly.

I have always had a soft place in my heart for them and praise the Lord for freeing them.

The part about Ben franklin is rather interesting. Who would have known... strikes up an interesting note I am now curious :wink:

Lady you asked:

Do you have a gift in redecorating arts?

I am not sure what you mean by this but I like to decorate our home and I enjoy changes throughout the year with either different color themes and/or themes to suit the seasons

Are you the wife of a military man? Yes, I was a Captian's wife, he is now a veteran (but not in need of a job praise God!!! :wink:

I thought the outdoor setting was odd as well as interesting. A definite feel of openness.

I believe the number 7 is significant, just not sure of the "why"of it yet.
LOVE came to mind last night, clanging symbols, although there was harmony, melody when you played them. There has been a change, a warmth a melody, a softening within the Obama
family. I have sensed this, know this. God loves them so much.
I don't know why, but I sensed this as well about them and find it interesting. A watch and see what the Lord is going to do type thing.

The scriptures you quoted from 1st Corinthians 13 are wonderful. The Holy Spirit is taking me to a deeper understanding of them.

I have an unexpected appointment that came up and will finish up here as soon as I can.

My husband and I are celebrating 45 years Anniversary today. I have been together with him since my age of 13, married at the age of 16 and still so very much in love and enjoying our growing old together. God has blessed us and continues to shower blessings upon us :mrgreen:

thank you all,

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Post by Newbie »

Newbie, I didn't realize this could be a two fold dream until you equated slats with planks. I immediately wondered what I had in my own eye that I was missing the mark on thus causing a lack of "harmony".
I still need to process all that you wrote and will get back to you on this.
I DO so much appreciate and value your input as always.
Hello ET, when I put down plank, I was thinking along the lines of a 2 by 4, or a board. After reading your post, I had an :oops: moment because I was not thinking along the lines of a plank in the eye nor was it my intention to imply it. My response was in regards to you witnessing and coming up with a solution to a problem/situation. Sorry if I offended!
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Post by LadyinChrist »

Why did you have to go and surprise me like that?


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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

read up on Bens favorite inventiona nd see if there is any similarities. Back then for amusement peopel would play with thier goblets of glass and it would make a ring tone. Ben made a musical instruemnt out of it.. it sounds beautiful and id love to have one. Ben had his faults but one interesting fact is that he didnt put any patents on his inventions which have could have mad ehim very wealthy. But it made him faamous exspecially in France wher e he was like a rock star.

Yes..in his elderly years he came out against slavery...
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Post by ElijahsTask »


PLEASE forgive me for causing you to have an :oops: moment. I never once thought you were implying any such thing, or actually meant a plank in my own eye. Not for one second. :D

"But God" was showing me something by using you,which I thank Him for, He was being gentle with me

more later, have to run beloved, but don't give this a second thought!!! You did good :mrgreen:

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Post by ElijahsTask »


thank you so much for the Anniversary wish. He took me to the Olive Garden then to Wendys for dessert. We went and saw the movie Abraham Lincoln which was exceptional.
He was my favorite President.


I love to have fun with different type of glasses like that and put water in them. with different levels of water, they have different tones. Fun stuff. I showed that to our grandchildren this Christmas. They were fascinated.


I too saw the chair as a place of authority. She was smiling and being casual while being pleasant and seemed to be talking to someone on her right, someone I could not see.

This year, I thought my color was green, but after seeing this color of yellow, it seems to resonate with me, Just not sure what it means. It's a feel good color, refreshing.
I would love to think of it was a gift of sorts, wisdom perhaps. I would like to think God is doing an overhaul in my life as it seems I have grown a lot in just the past few months.
I don't know..... perhaps this is just wishful thinking.

Newbie, the dream very much interests me but I feel at a loss to "put it together where it all makes sense.

I like what everyone has contributed and I can't say it all fits or doesn't fit you know what I mean. I feel close to an answer though


All your input is valuable, thank you
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Post by LadyinChrist »

ET, I forgot to mention the other day, when I thought of the slats, the word "xylophone" crossed my mind. Then when I read about the water in the glasses tones, that just all connected with me for some reason. So anyway, I looked up pictures. Now when I think of xylophone I think of my child playing this when a toddler. But from what I found there are beautiful ones for grown ups.

And now, I am fascinated with this instrument. I have never been interested much in symphony music, but, I bet this instrument would sound beautiful in worship to our Father.

The seven I believe has to do with a "note", in musical vocabulary.
And "notes" are also mentioned in color vocabulary, and the smell vocabulary.

You want to get the right note, you want everything to blend in, you want to be "in tune."

Does this mean anything to you?



http://media.beta.photobucket.com/user/ ... sort=1&o=5

Hmmm..... Mother-daughter has something to do with this.

I found that "percussion" (per cushion) also has a medical meaning... Definition: A method of examination by tapping the fingertips at various points on the body to determine position and size of a structure beneath the surface.

And sometimes I just look too deep into things.

The word, Instruments of righteousness, and fine tuning you comes to mind as well.

Tapestry has to do with a joining, a union, a unity. Being knit and joined together, and His banner over us is love. He is our Bright and Morning star. We are His instruments, all joined together, a symphony of the Father.
Last edited by LadyinChrist on Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Newbie »

Hello ET,
Reflecting back over your dream, perhaps MO is a symbol for yourself in some regard. In a sense, you are the 1st Lady of your home, a loving mother and wife. What does this all mean, I do not know but I feel that there is a connection here somewhere. When I think of tapestry, I think of “old world”, so what comes to me in regards to the switch in the furniture is out with the old and in with the new. Are you seeking change or a new direction in some aspect of your life? I get a sense that this is parallel with that of the slabs; hence, #7 means the ending of something/ divine completion. So perhaps this may be about a shift in the spiritual. Yellow was my late-grandmother’s favorite color; that woman love her some yellow. Anyway, when I think of the color of lemon chiffon, I think of a rich vibrant yellow. What comes to me is when someone ties a yellow ribbon around an old oak tree. The yellow ribbon is symbolic of welcoming members back home, support, a new future, and/or a sign of forgiveness in certain circles. I am leaning towards a new future on this one but this is just me thinking out loud.
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Post by LadyinChrist »

I agree with Newbie there, MO is being used as an example/symbol/cymbal. :)

No walls means no division. Free entrance. Authority. As you said an openess.

Out with the old in with the new, yes.... positioning.

Obamas, "Moving Forward" message/note.

His last message was "Hope and Change"

I remember laying down before O was reelected, I was thinking and praying about that. I remember at that moment hearing "send a letter to Obama"
I thought, why would little me send such a man a letter? A few days later He was reelected and his opening song that night was "Signed, sealed, delivered." I was amazed! The Lord has a wonderful sense of humor. :)

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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

the invention im thinking of was ben frankline favorite... u will have to look it up and see if itlooked liek anything inthe dream. .... i cant recall its name.. wish we still had something like that to buy...
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Post by A Warrior's Heart »

I had a dream where Michelle was featured in it today. I have yet to post it. I have to ask though, if this brown board was made out of wood? I say this because it may be that the brown board is symbolic of sacrifices. In the Bible wood was used on altars. Abraham placed his son Isaac on top of wood on the altar. So perhaps the brown board could be about sacrifices made or sacrifices that need to be made which will produce much joy, festivity, and happiness to your life. This seemed like such a great dream. Did you feel as if this dream was speaking about you or more so about Mrs. O?
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