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work related

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:22 am
by sigmon2
here i am sitting here after 1:30am and i got to go to work in a few hours, ugh. but my mind will not go back to sleep.
here is the dream.....i was driving the bus and i pulled into the bus lot but not the regular one a different one. this one was like where the old retiring buses go. its not really the same place but seemed like it. it belonged to my school district. so i am the only bus i noticed but other district people are around on the lot and in the offices. in the bus with me are the current dispatcher and 3 kids for sure...wondered a fourth but 3 for sure. we are talking, me and the dispatcher about preparing the bus for shut down cause i am not driving anymore. it needs to be fueled and cleaned. so pulled up to the pumps but it is full, then i see the vacumn setups like at a carwash and i pull up and back into one of those. as i back up i remembered to turn all the lights for backing up. we start discussing that the bus needs to be cleaned before turning it in, so should i vacumn it now or wait till i finish driving because it will get dirty a bit again. that is when i see the kids....2 boys up front and a boy in back. so i am standing there talking and i lean back not so careful and i hit the hand bar with the small of my back two different times, it hurt. i even mentioned how i should lean back more careful. then the dream fades and i wake up and its just after 1:30am.
am i going to be tired, whew....
now my question is...the dream even says that the driving is not quite done but i wonder if the students represent days, months, years? the students looked older high school.
now my mind is getting tired....waited for me to wish you all well, haha. but get this...3 students on the 3rd day which is today. i wondered 4 but i know 3. if its 3 days then the 6th shows up and that is sunday with monday being the 7th. but if months then in march which comes spring. well if anything it will be an interesting time to see how this works out. Praise the Lord.
good morning all. see you later.