Getting a Root Canal...or not.

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Getting a Root Canal...or not.

Post by dance-in-the-son »

Had this dream on 1/23/13

I was at the dentist office(unknown place). She said that I had to have a root canal, I was shocked because I didn't think I had any issues with my teeth that would cause me to need a root canal. I asked why I couldn't just have a filling and she said it would not permanently take care of the problem. When they numbed my mouth and started drilling, I could still feel it down to the root. I was a little anxious about the whole root canal thing anyway. Then she put some gauze/cotton in my mouth and I was very thirsty and my mouth was dry so I was telling her I needed some water. She couldn't understand me so I grabbed the water tool and filled my mouth with water because I was thirsty. They were coming in and out of the room because they were busy so they never really got started on the root canal. The dentist was talking about the office being short staffed and they needed some help. She needed an assistant and I was asking questions because I was looking for a job and thought about applying for the job. My neighbor Dudley was sitting there with her and she said that he might start helping her out, he had no experience that I knew of. I think her daughter was dating him from what I remember? I kindof hinted to the dentist that I could be of help since I had experience in admin.

Scenes change: I think this was part of the dream: I'm in a different room and it is dark/dim, my ex-husband Chris had a joint (mariguana) he goes to another room to smoke it with a girl named Gina (friend from childhood). I didn't like the idea but he just brushed me off and went in the room with Gina.

Back to the dentist office: I'm in a different spot as if I am watching the dentist and another girl who was going to be doing the rest of my dental work. She was filling these small silver cups with a thick, white toothpaste looking filler to put in my teeth. I ask them what they are planning to do and the asstant says she is going to put fillings in my tooth/teeth. I said to the dentist, I thought you said I needed a root canal? She said, yes but we don't have the time so she is just going to fill them. She had just contradicted everything she said before and this was not right. I wasn't happy about this situation but I didn't know what to say.

Scenes change: I'm outside in the driveway of an unknown house (my house I think) and it is semi dark outside and people are partying in the driveway. I walk inside this garage which seemed more like a small, portable storage unit. I saw a parent (mom, possibly) at the front porch and it seemed she was coming outside so I was hiding from her. There was also a man sitting in a chair inside the garage/unit. The End.

Any insights?
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Post by keilani »

Shalom sister! Didn't get much by way of interp but I did associate the dentist scenes with needing to get down to the root of the issue and not just putting a temporary fix on it. With the ex-husb/childhood friend scene in between, I wonder if this has to do with the root issue? The childhood friend/ex-husb relationship makes me wonder if this root stems from childhood and is somehow reflected in the relationships you had with Chris and Gina. Praying the Spirit of Truth leads you into all truth.
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Post by A Warrior's Heart »

Heya Dance,

I'm leaning towards the idea that the root canal could represent a deep rooted issue that has proven to be bothersome but one that you don't want to deal with or want to have to confront. An issue that is very draining emotionally and mentally. Seeing the dentist not really beginning the canal may represent a stall in confronting whatever the issue or problem is. Now could this possibly be a childhood dilemma that never had resolve. I say this because in the second separate scene you saw your childhood friend Gina. Do you know that the name Gina mean "virgin?" So that part could possibly have to do with childhood innocence being defiled (Gina smoking marijuana) Ex hubby representing the past.

It was interesting that the assistant decided to put an alternate type of filler in. I saw this as a facade or covering up the deep rooted issue that really just needs to be dealt with and faced. It really is important to recognize who the dentist in your dreams represent. The dentist aspect of these two dreams are important because this symbol represents the "cure" However, the assistant is not very helpful here because she represents "a covering up" or not dealing with the heart of the matter. You know it's really supposed to be the dentist who does the fill in or root canal not the assistant.

For your prayerful consideration
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Post by A Warrior's Heart »

Heya Dance

Note: I did not read Keilani's post until after I had posted. Your dreams May be a prompting from The Lord that the issue is something that needs to be worked through, so that further distress can be prevented.
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Post by dance-in-the-son »

Thanks so much, both of the interps did resemble eachother and the fact that you didn't read it before you posted definately makes me think you are onto something...resonates in me that the Spirit is saying that I need to get to the root issue regarding childhood, etc. Thanks so much! Will ponder in prayer!

Blessings!! :)
You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.
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Post by Jammy_04 »

Filling is not a permanent treatment. It is just a way to prevent teeth from further infection. In order to completely vanish the problem, root canal is always preferred.
Torrance dentist