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Soaps like cakes and lollipops!!

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:10 pm
by leila78

I stood in the downstairs hallway, next to the front door. My youngest sister and my mum were there also.

I received a varied package of soaps. These looked like cakes and lollipops! I had two bars of soap - my mum what they were and I said they were dettol soaps. These were pastel coloured and sparkling. There were also soaps which looked like chocolate ice lollies. I placed these soaps on the radiator in front of me.

Next, I heard someone at the door - it sounded like he was holding a mini digital signer for packages and I could hear him punching a code into it.

I opened the door a little, to sign and he proceeded to stretch out his arm placing the package on the floor. The young black guy with a cap backed away, he was now at the gate and was leaving - package in hand! It was as if he smelled something really bad!

I was a bit frustated with my mum for all the soaps on the radiator. As my mum and youngest sister walked away, I lifted up the carpet underneath the radiator and discovered a big swelling in the floor boards (about a meter in width). It was as if it was water logged - I called them both back to take a look.