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Moonlight Dancing with Holy Spirit

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 3:59 am
by shine
Feb 7, 2008
Right now, just before going to bed, I want to type out my dream I had last night.

But to set up everything ~ This past week, it has really been hitting me hard that Mark doesn't love me. And with the anniverary of our engagement coming up in a few days (Feb 9th) it was increasingly unsettling.

Now, this dream has changed me.

In the dream, I am at Immanuel Evangelical Free Church (my home church). I'm trying to distinguish the 2 girls (sisters) @ church . . .I always get their names mixed up. So in the dream, one of them is having a birthday. . .I'm looking at the board trying to read the name. . . I'm thinking I can figure it out if I can read the name, but the 1st two letters are overlapping, making it tricky. A man comes up behind me and we start swaying together like a dance. It feels nice and right, till I think. . .I don't know who this is, this might not be right. He turns me around to face him. He is taller and my age or older - Average looking, light brown wavy hair. Not anyone I know, but he knows me and loves me. We begin to dance. . .sort of like ball room dancing. I started thinking ~ is this alright to dance in church, then I thought well of course, but it felt more right again as he began to sing. I wondered where the music was coming from. We were in the main lobby-room of the church. I stated to feel conspicious because I was the only one he was dancing with. . . so he reached out and brought a man in to our dance - he twirled the man, then I reached out for the man and twirled him. Then It was just me and the (1st) man dancing again while he also continued to sing. Then I realized he was singing about moonlight. And then everytime he said the word moonlight, I could see the moon. At this point when I began to see the moonlight, I was having a hard time distinguishing his face. I would see a bright flash of moonlight. Then his head was moonlight but the rest of his body was the same - clothed. As this last part was happening, it was as though the main entry doors to the foyer - that looks out into the parking lot. . .was now looking out in to the evening - and there was a body of water there (that isn't there in rl) and I could see the moonlight reflecting by the water some too.
In the dream, the song was over, and I was trying to tell the man how his whole head became like the moonlight
Then I think I went on to dream something else.
Upon waking later, going through my morning routine, realized I didn't feel so heavy in my spirit. . . I suddenly rememberd the dream. . .I was struck with thinking that the Holy Spirit gave me this dream. . .to show me that he loves me. I feel loved.

Ok, now that I am logged in, I'm gonna have some catching up to do. . .I'm still a few weeks away from having some time to do that though.

4/26/08 - just wanted to add with Holy Spirit to the title
5/272013 ~ can't believe I didn't clarify in original . . .that I believe Satan was telling me My own husband doesn't even love me. The first time he said it: I thought, I know that- he's not well right now. But satan continued to hit me with that same thought: Your own husband doesn't even love you over the course of a week to two weeks leading up to my anniversary. The more he hit me with that sentence the more distraught I became. . . I started to think that by Feb 9th (our anniversary) that i wouldn't even be able to get out of bed. I'd be to depressed. That Jesus (or Holy Spirit) came to me in this dream as a result of that. . .to let me know that even if "my own husband didn't love me" that I was part of the bride of Christ and that he does love me.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:37 am
by talitha
couple of questions.....

Are you and Mark married?

How did you feel when this second man briefly joined the dance?

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 4:12 am
by shine
Hey Talitha,

You probably remember me better as Shine. But this site wouldn't let me log in that way.

Mark & I have been married 18 years. I had to leave my home last March. No legal separation or filing for divorce has happened.

Reading back over the dream, I realize I phrased something wrong. I wasn't feeling like "he was only dancing with me". . .I was actually starting to feel consipicuious because "we" were the only two dancing. So when he reached out for this other person (happened to be a man). . .It felt like everything was ok - because someone else had danced too.

(yet another edition :o 2/15/08. . .but apparently I'm somehow a day behind - so really 2/16/08 according to this site)
Anyways, to fully answer Talitha's question about the 2nd man. . .When I reached out to grasp his hand to draw him into the dance again briefly, I could tell this was unexpected - that "surprise" was around me. Not sure who's surprise? The 1st man or some of the on-lookers.

Sunday 2/10 I'll just edit rather than post anew.

When this dream started out, the timeframe was that of arriving to church early. . .ya know. . .when your one of the 1st few to get there. So it was morning. But when I was seeing the moon - each time he sang moonlight (it would brigten - or flash so to speak) and I was seeing the moon and the body of water - much like a lake - through the doors of the church - it was dark outside - thus the moonlight. At this time, we were still dancing, he was singing, but he was also further away from me, yet we were still dancing - ya know, only our dreams can be this multifaceted!

I was actually telling my dream to two ladies at church today. . .and they said the Girls I was trying to figure out which was which. . .by reading the name of the b-day girl on the board. . .That they are actually fraternal twins! I'm still not sure, I thought they were 1 yr apart. But that may be why the 2 first letters of the name kept entertwining :lol:

I really love this dream. . . .I think the Holy Spirit showed me His love, by dancing with me and singing to me. That he cares so much for me and brought me comfort when I kept thinking "My own husband doesn't even love me :cry: "

When I left church last Sunday, my preacher & I were leaving at the same time. . .and there at the very same doors as in the dream, I told my preacher: "It's just really hitting me hard lately that my own husband doesn't even love me." He responded that "Yeah, but that doesn't make you who you are"

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 4:01 am
by shine
Well, it is official ~ The 2 sisters are actually identical twins! I asked their father @ church this past Sunday. In my defense, their hair lengths are dif - and one wears glasses :P I dunno - - - this past year I've had so many changes and things on my mind. . .that I've forgotten a lot of stuff I should know.
But, this is really cool too. That even though I didn't remember they were twins, The 1st two letter of the name I was trying to read were overlapping and entertwining, so that I couldn't even begin to read the name. In this way, I can look back and think that this may be a confirming sign that this dream is directly from the Holy Spirit.
Also cool just the action of letters entertwining - meaning identical.

Re: Moonlight Dancing with Holy Spirit

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 1:57 pm
by shine
shine wrote:Feb 7, 2008
. . .
Then I realized he was singing about moonlight. And then everytime he said the word moonlight, I could see the moon. At this point when I began to see the moonlight, I was having a hard time distinguishing his face. I would see a bright flash of moonlight. Then his head was moonlight but the rest of his body was the same - clothed. As this last part was happening, it was as though the main entry doors to the foyer - that looks out into the parking lot. . .was now looking out in to the evening - and there was a body of water there (that isn't there in rl) and I could see the moonlight reflecting by the water some too.
In the dream, the song was over, and I was trying to tell the man how his whole head became like the moonlight
Moonlight --- Ok, Just heard my fav Radio Pastor (Tony Evans)teaching on the Glory of God last night. He brought into the teaching that the Moon has no light of its own. . .that it is a reflection of the Sun.

Ok, I'm sure in the past I've known this fact (I hope!!). . .But that is the beauty of getting older - ReLearning :lol:

Anyways, I was going to post this lil tidbit (for others that may be relearning) on the dream symbols entitled Sun, Moon Stars. . .but only admins can post there.

And the portion in my dream I quoted above. . .I remember purposing in the dream to focus on what he was singing.