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Best friends with your husband

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:33 am
by bella
I dreamt I was in the CBD, and I seemed to be there for ages, running around doing stuff.

At first I was in a square. People all around. There was some sort of class, in a second floor room, that I was connected to. I recall a few people I knew from uni. One was Nicole. A girl got in trouble for doing something wrong, then she says 'why is it that I get in trouble when I do that, yet Nicole NEVER gets in trouble for the same thing'. It's like Nicole can get away with anything no matter how cheeky/naughty she is. (She's a bit like that IRL - everyone loves her.) So in the dream I start pondering 'yes, why does Nicole get away with it?'.

Then I see my friend Craig. He's running around. He's in a break from a meeting and he's downstairs in the square with me, checking everything ... his phone for messages, then he pulls the dipstick out of his car (can't see the car, just the dipstick) and it's really long and he and I both can see that the oil is getting low, but he says 'oh that's OK, there's enough to keep me going'. But I say 'Craig you need to put more oil in your car!'.

Then I leave and go somewhere close by which appears to be another lovely waiting area for the general public. (This time no resemblance to anything that exists). This area is covered in lovely dark cobble stone type tiles. There is a sunken area which runs along the side of a museum. Steps down to it, the kind of steps which alternate as seating. Like a large expanse of steps. EDIT * and a LARGE dark green fig tree for shade and beauty.

I'm waiting for my mother, who's inside this museum (I never see her in the dream). While I'm waiting I'm aware that I seem to have lost my skirt. A black tube skirt I have and wear all the time ... functional/practical/looks good. On the top part of me I'm wearing so many layers, that I can hardly see down to see if I'm wearing my skirt, so I'm FEELING for it. My tops are long enough that they cover most of what I want covered. I have a singlet top underneath, then maybe another shirt, but then a mac type raincoat thing on top. Still, not comfortable at having lost my skirt.

Then I start speaking to 2 ladies who are islander, with lovely curly hair (just like a girl I saw on tv last night, a girl who sang with passion). EDIT * singing 'Shy Guy'.

One of them says to me something about getting married, and tells me to refer to the Book of Ikea. And I'm thinking thinking 'book of Ikea - I don't recall that one'. Then I realise she must be joking, and her friend laughs and says she calls it that??? The woman that said that to me goes somewhere and I say to the other woman, can you find the scripture for me?

Then it turns out to be Deuteronomy. I read it and it says something about the lion roaring and that 'if you don't accept the man God has chosen for you to marry, then you are under a curse'. I find this odd and I re-read it and there must be more to the scripture because there's something about not idol worshipping your husband.

And I finally work it out that it's about coming under a curse if you put your husband above God. And I turn to the woman and say 'well that's a good reason why you should be best friends with your husband'. (As in, looking at him as a best friend rather than idolising him and putting him above God.)

[The thing is, IRL I don't believe we come under curses - Jesus IS the curse for us, but I get the importance of not idol worshipping.]


Nicole: means 'Victory of the people'

I believe the part of the dream about Craig is literal - sorry, not 'literal', but I believe it means he's needs to spend time with God getting refreshed.

I have NO IDEA what the 'Book of Ikea' is about.

Deuteronomy is all about the law.

Not sure what the part of idolising your husband is about, but I do understand what 'marrying your best friend' is about.

All I know about idolising your husband is that it's part of the Adamic Curse. And we don't have to revert to or put up with any of that stuff.

Any ideas what the Book of Ikea is about?

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 8:58 am
by bella
Checked and there's no reference to a roaring lion in Deut.
Then it turns out to be Deuteronomy. I read it and it says something about the lion roaring and that 'if you don't accept the man God has chosen for you to marry, then you are under a curse'.
My first reaction to this was that it was not true. And the most obvious reference to a roaring lion is that the devil goes about LIKE a roaring lion. So I would put this bizarre part into that category i.e. a lie, because he's the father of lies.
And I turn to the woman and say 'well that's a good reason why you should be best friends with your husband'.
This part I totally agree with.

Not sue what the 'Book of Ikea' is about, but I was in Ikea a couple of weeks ago and I was thinking 'this is a great place to come if you're setting up house from scratch. So I'm guessing that's pretty much the theme of the dream...

Would appreciate it if anyone gets any sort of revelation of anything in this dream.

Oh and the other thing I forgot to mention, is that part where I'm waiting for my mother while she's in the museum (I think that's a church reference), there's a massive dark green fig tree giving shade to the paved area.

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 3:01 pm
by Newbie
Hello CJ, books may represents ideas, info, insights or answers in regards to a situation. IKEA is of course a Scandinavian furniture store whose motto is, “affordable solutions for better living”. Deuteronomy translates from the Greek word Deuteronomion meaning the “second law”. The theme of this book is God’s uniqueness, the need for worship, and the concern for the less fortunate and disadvantage. With the themes centering on God, Israel, and the covenant of God and Israel being faithful to each other, and Israel’s obedience to Him.
The roaring lion reference may symbolize the devil and his attempts to sully the Word with falsities. 1 Peter 5:8, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour…”
Overall, what comes to me in regards to this last portion is someone whom is holding onto and attempting to peddle LEGALISM. Colossians 2:8, “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” I hope this helps!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:53 am
by bella
Thanks Newbie.

I didn't know that's what Deuteronomy meant! Nice. You're such a good researcher.

Because my dream linked the Book of Ikea and Deuteronomy I thought I'd do that here... interesting:

affordable solutions for better living / God’s uniqueness, the need for worship, and the concern for the less fortunate and disadvantage

The roaring lion reference may symbolize the devil and his attempts to sully the Word with falsities
Hmmm, that's his MO aint it!
Overall, what comes to me in regards to this last portion is someone whom is holding onto and attempting to peddle LEGALISM.
I think that's right. I didn't want to say this, but that was my original thought on the two ladies because, unfortunately, having had a bit to do with islanders (friends) they definitely have a tendancy to lean towards legalism. Well, all the ones I've met anyway, so that theme has built in my mind - an observation.

(When I say 'islanders', I'm thinking of specific cultures which I'm not mentioning by name so that they're not singled out. And by no means would I label all islanders as legalistic).

I love this scripture ... a good reminder:
Colossians 2:8, “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”
The feeling I get is that, even though I understand segments in this dream, I haven't been able to piece it together to get a full understanding yet. I think that'll be to come...

Thanks for your help.

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:53 am
by Newbie
Have your dreams ever manifested? My dreams usually do; however, it is usually during those times in which my dream comes back to me full force and I go, "Ohhhh, that is what this part was all about!" Just like you, I can get an understanding but usually do not know when or where it may apply until the event happens. Much like that of my "Bila" dream. I pray you get full understanding on what it all means and what you need to do.
Oh and the other thing I forgot to mention, is that part where I'm waiting for my mother while she's in the museum (I think that's a church reference), there's a massive dark green fig tree giving shade to the paved area.
Museum's may represent self-reflection and your heritage. I get a feeling that your mother is the Spirit but that is just me. The fig tree may symbolize being fruitful and prosperous and the paved area may symbolize steady progression (being fruitful during your progression). As usual toss if it does not help!

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 1:06 pm
by bella
Have your dreams ever manifested?
I've had several dreams where I've dreamt about a place that doesn't exist or a place I've never been to, and then I come across it later on.

Some places have looked EXACTLY as I've seen them in the dream, and some mostly like I've seen.

More places than people moments. Don't know why that is.

I can't think of any people dreams that have manifested, off the top of my head.

I did an internet search on 'Book of Ikea' and found that there is an Ikea book :lol: I read the first couple of paragraphs describing it and something was mentioned that got my attention. Can't talk about it on open board tho. *Sigh*
Museum's may represent self-reflection and your heritage. I get a feeling that your mother is the Spirit but that is just me. The fig tree may symbolize being fruitful and prosperous and the paved area may symbolize steady progression (being fruitful during your progression). As usual toss if it does not help!
Museum - heritage - past. Could mean my past. That would fit.

Yes mother could be the Spirit rather than the church! That fits too.

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:54 am
by bella
Then I start speaking to 2 ladies who are islander, with lovely curly hair (just like a girl I saw on tv last night, a girl who sang with passion).
OK, just watched this again and she's singing 'Shy Guy' so now it's making sense.

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 1:23 pm
by bella
books may represents ideas, info, insights or answers in regards to a situation.
Newbie! This also explains something to me about my bookstore dream which I posted under dream questions. Thank you once again.

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 2:00 pm
by TexasTransplant
Well, HALLELUJAH! Glad you got clarity here, I was really itching for you to understand this one :).

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 2:26 pm
by bella
The ONLY thing I'm not sure about this one is the roaring lion.

I'm tossing up does this mean that the person this dream's about is from the enemy?

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 2:27 pm
by bella
The ONLY thing I'm not sure about this one is the roaring lion.

I'm tossing up does this mean that the person this dream's about is from the enemy?

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 2:45 pm
by Newbie
Hello CJ, the roaring lion may represent the enemy coming in and twisting words. What I got from the scene was someone stating that if you do not marry the person the Lord set aside from you then you will be cursed. IMHO, the Lord gives us freewill and yes He helps us; however, He would not impose Himself on us in such a manner. When we disregard something He give us, what comes to mind is the old saying, "A hard head makes for a soft behind!" meaning there are consequences in the natural when we do not heed warnings. The Lord knows what we are going to do before we even think it. So what I got from this is the enemy infiltrating and using someone to throw legalism at you. Once again toss if it does not helps!

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 3:06 pm
by bella
Hi Newbie,
IMHO, the Lord gives us freewill and yes He helps us; however, He would not impose Himself on us in such a manner
Yeah I totally agree with you, which is why I'm still confused! Because no-one's thrown any legalism at me with this and even if they did it wouldn't stick. I would be really comfortable (and have done this) in saying 'no thanks God, don't want that one'.

So maybe that's the point. The enemy's trying and he can't make it stick because I can't be tricked in that area.


Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 3:31 pm
by Newbie
Hello CJ, this thought just came to me, "false battle". Normally when we already won a battle the enemy likes to bring up dead issues. If and when this dream does manifest, this portion may appear in the most unassuming manner. A manner that if you blink you may miss it. As stated before, when my dreams manifest, they usually do not look like anything in my dreams. They basically formulate in a "blink and you will miss it moment". These moments usually come in a casual conversation or brief interaction with someone. Perhaps, this may be the case with you. Since I have started working, I am now force to interact with others and it doing this time, I will come across some very legalistic beliefs and ideas. This may or may not be the case with you, hopes it help!

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 3:41 pm
by bella
If and when this dream does manifest, this portion may appear in the most unassuming manner. A manner that if you blink you may miss it.
I was thinking that too.... a future event!

Thanks. Yeah, so just to file it to the side and remember if anything comes up along those lines.