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Parachutes, See-Through Door, Woman with a Key

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:15 pm
by servant
Hello Family,

I haven't posted a dream in a while, but I need help on this one, please.

I am in a house and it feels like my 2 kids are there (they are 19 and 17 yrs old). I feel a feeling similar to another dream where an enemy was approaching as paratroopers and I was the first to see the danger. I go out front to look and see a bunch of white parachutes coming down toward our area. I yell to alert my family and neighbors to go inside and lock their doors.

I go back in and lock my see-through front door. One of my kids (daughter? not sure) is at an open window behind me. I believe they are calling to their sibling to come in. I think that I wish my niece was inside my house so she would be safe. It just feels like she isn't protected (she's not).

I then see a woman approach my front door and try to come in. I know she is one of the paratroopers who just landed. She sees me through the see-through (glass?) door standing there holding the door and that I am not going to unlock it or let her in. She then proceeds to pull a key ring out of her pocket that has a bunch of keys on it. She starts going through them looking for the key to my front door. I know she has the key and I know she will get in.

The end.

Thank you for reading. Please share your thoughts and anything from HS.

Mary (Esther)

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 1:47 am
by servant
I asked God the day after I had this dream who the lady at the door was. He indicated it was me. So, evidently his goes along with how He's been trying to get me to accept myself and stop being unhappy with myself (my body, etc.). I have to be okay with me and like myself, even if I think I'm too chubby or have to pluck facial hair from my chin, etc.

I realized today that I am perfectly, exactly the way he wants me for now. Especially if I am following Him. Like how he has instructed me to walk almost every day for exercise. :-) I have to stop comparing myself to others who are skinnier or prettier or whatever than me.
