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Dream and waking up to a word rining in my ears.

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 4:18 pm
by steadyone
Okay beloved ones I woke up to a weird dream with a word I do not know.


I was working for a man in a shop like in the times when horse and buggy's were ways to travel. A man and his daughter came to the shop. The man looked like them old time bankers but I think he was a clockmaker. He was talking to the man I worked for and told him he changed his business name to Mecoamish. Then the man drove away on the horse and buggy and we waved at him as he left. Then the guy I worked for and told me as we are waving that he changed his business to Mecoamish. And when the man I worked for said that the name it was so loud it woke me up out of a dead sleep this morning, With the name ringing in my ears.

I tried to google it and I come up with nothing.

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 1:02 pm
by bella
The only thing I thought of was Amish with the names and horse and buggy thing.

I wondered if you spelled the word correctly, like did you just KNOW that's the spelling or are you just assuming that's right based on the sound? So could it be mekko?

There's a place in Oklahoma called mekko.

Made me think of the designer marimekko.

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 3:26 pm
by steadyone
Actually I found what I think it means. Mccamish it is actually the name of a Towncenter in Johnson county Kansas. I am reading the history and it is amazing.

I am honestly not sure of the spelling. The horse and buggy was
in the time frame of the dream and the store we were in was like the 1800 or something. So nothing to do with the aminish just it was the time frame of the dream.

Thanks and blessings