Living fish, dead fish

Archives for 2013
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Joined: Thu Nov 28, 2013 11:31 pm

Living fish, dead fish

Post by TheresHope »

I dreamt I was at a shopping mall with my mother and 2 of my nieces. while walking through the mall, the oldest niece began complaining about having to care for the younger sister's pet fish, (They have this betta fish in reality) how she always has to feed it, clean the fishbowl, and change the water, etc.. my mother suggested getting rid of the fish since no one wanted the responsibility and they agreed.. but I objected, saying they shouldn't just flush it down the toilet because they didn't want it; they should give it away instead. So I made a sign saying free fish to care for and my niece put the fishbowl underneath.. but it was extremely dirty, cloudy water and a foul smell. I said, “we can't give it away like this. No one will want the fish in this condition." So I went to the bathroom to clean it out. I also suggested we put the fish in a clear, plastic bag (like they give in a pet shop) or something enclosed because the bowl was wide open and we shouldn't just leave the fish out in the open like that. I was cleaning the bowl by pouring the dirty water out and filling it with clean water from the sink. While doing this, I noticed there was a second fish in the bowl, already dead. I was in shock because I never knew there was another fish and I asked everyone else if they did, but they never saw the other fish or knew where it came from either. I was being careful because I didn't want to accidentally  pour the other fish down the drain or kill it by taking it out of the water. Just before waking up, it seems I had mistakenly emptied the bowl of all the water and nearly killed the living fish as well, but it wasn't clear if I did or not because I woke up, or that's the last part I can remember.(Fish color- dark red, almost brick or brownish color with a little blue on thevery ends of the fins)

Sorry it's so long!
Please help with this interpretation..
Thank you!