Hebrews 16:9 --- What?

Archived Dreams from 2014
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Hebrews 16:9 --- What?

Post by chenya »

Has anyone ever been given a scripture in a dream that isn't really a scripture? Any ideas?

That part of the dream involved me being in a room with dad. There was this boy there that was complaining of problems. Might've even been a gang member type person. I saw dad's bible laying on the table and opened it up and began reading wherever it opened to. It was Hebrews 16:9. The boy asked if this would really help. I told him Yes this is the only thing that will help. The boy then showed me a piece of paper his dad had given him when he was younger, before the boy's dad passed. It was the same scripture. At this point the boy broke down and was hugging me. I began reading the piece of paper and had tears rolling down my face. I told him you know Jesus loves you. I was then called by Heather to go with her. She, Katie and Kendra was going upstairs to the attic to sing. Dad was up there too.

I believe I know what the dream means. It's in regards to a friend I've been praying for. I just found it strange that it was a scripture that wasn't really a scripture. Any thoughts on that part? I'm thinking it might have something to do with the numbers. Thoughts?