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The Painter

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 1:09 am
by HeIsReal
I had a dream that I was sleep in my daughter’s car, it looked like it was a church setting, we were in the basement of my old church and the basement did not look the same. They had all different kinds of activities going on, I saw the kitchen and I walked over to a guy who was putting up a sheet and spot lights to start his activity and there were people around. I felt like it was day time, but then I went upstairs and I ended up outside and was sitting in my daughter’s car and I looked outside and people were sitting on steps. And I was looking for something to cover me up because it was chilly outside and I found my jacket. I first was in the driver’s side, but my jacket was on the passenger side, so I put my jacket on and I noticed the rearview mirror. I stood for a moment and my right arm was resting on top of the car and I was looking around and then saw a man across the street painting a picture on a canvas and he was about to sell the painting. As I was crossing the street, in the left corner of my eye I could see the corner of an empty made bed and it seemed like it was the evening just when the sun goes down and then it seemed like it was night, but when I was looking at the painter across the street, it seemed like it was daylight shining on his picture. I thought the painting was so beautiful. His primary color was blue and I walked closer to the painting and I saw numbers on the painting. I looked on another painting and I saw the beautiful brush strokes but behind the brush strokes there were numbers. The painter was painting the picture by numbers. All of a sudden he got angry because he seen that I notice the numbers. He got anger and the father and daughter who was going to buy the painting the man got mad because he could not sell the picture for the price he was charging. The father was going to buy the painting anyway but he was only going to pay half for it, since the painting was not done by freehand. His pastor grabbed him and told him to come on and gave me a really mean look. He had changed his suit jacket and he put on a casual blue grayish shirt and the buttons was opened and I could see his neck and collarbone.
Then all of a sudden I looked down at the keys that were in my hand and I realized that I did not lock my daughter’s car. So I went to lock the door with the automatic button and the automatic button was gone and I could not understand it…I did not feel like the car was not going to be taken and I felt at first the car may not be secured. But I still had the keys and could lock and unlock the car manually.
Why was the painter angry and why was his pastor angry and why did he look at me like I did something wrong? Thank you
In His Service