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Snakes in the hedges

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 11:23 am
by justhisvessell
Me and two other individuals walked outside and we had backpack style contraptions on that looked like what an exterminator would wear. (Ghostbusters style LOL) We walked around a building that appeared to be my church, there were snakes all tangled together almost hidden in the hedges . There were so many. They were dark red with a black thin stripe down each side. We began to spray them, it only seemed to sedate, they didn't act like they were dieing.

I keep thinking the 2 people with me were my mom and sister, but we do not go to the same church.

Re: Snakes in the hedges

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 6:29 pm
by Newbie
justhisvessell wrote:Me and two other individuals walked outside and we had backpack style contraptions on that looked like what an exterminator would wear. (Ghostbusters style LOL) We walked around a building that appeared to be my church, there were snakes all tangled together almost hidden in the hedges . There were so many. They were dark red with a black thin stripe down each side. We began to spray them, it only seemed to sedate, they didn't act like they were dieing.

I keep thinking the 2 people with me were my mom and sister, but we do not go to the same church.
Hello JHV, snakes can be emblematic of spirits of deception, confusion, and lies. The dream is showing you that the church lacks a line of defense against these snakes. Based on your action in the dream, it appears that you are a gates keeper (watcher on the wall) and Abba is showing you the area that needs to be fortified (hedge) within your church. It appears that these has or will attempt to slither in (lies, deception, confusion). In the dream you and others spray them; however, this only put them to sleep. The spray is a temporary solution that only stops these snakes for a little while. To get rid of them, their heads need to be cut off (the application of the word of God because His Word is our sword).

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 7:51 pm
by justhisvessell
That sits well with what I was thinking. I didn't realize the "deception" part. I have been feeling drawn truly war in my prayer time. Thank you Newbie Reading this something came to mind.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:19 am
by justhisvessell
I had a snippet dream as I was drifting off that showed a gator lurking, almost stalking. So I think that God is warning of an impending attack. It isn't a coincidence they were back to back.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:39 am
by Newbie
A gator or croc can represent a big mouth or loud mouth amongst other things (a dangerous person or a spiritual enemy) and it seems to tie correspond with that of the snakes.