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Brother, a evil leader

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 12:50 pm
by Grace
I was in my home town with my younger children, shopping. My mom was with me. She was going home to get lunch ready and would pick us up later. Suddenly there were a lot of people milling around. I went down to main street and it seemed there was some kind of march going on. People were shouting and cheering. Apparently the man leading the March was my brother, although I didn't recognize him. Men dressed in black with a cloth wrapped around their faces marched. A man came out of a building. There was a stairs to an apartment above some stores. He said something about the leader coming there after the march. ' And you are to come too!" " No I wont," I replied. I left that place and saw some people I knew. Some of them were excited about my brother being that leader. I turned to them and asked, "Has he gone mad?" Some of them turned away from me, but one young man told me, "Yes, he has." He said it in a whisper. That was the end of my dream.