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motorbikes, moons and John Paul Jackson

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 6:51 pm
by benny
Scene 1

John Paul Jackson (JPJ) came to my house. I was to take him to some kind of celebration event. I packed the bags with everything we would need for the journey but when I went outside I saw my brother in law and his friend on motorbikes. My brother in law said that he loved motorbikes and they were much better than cars for travelling, so we were going to the event on them. I was so angry because we were meant to go in my car. First it meant that I would not be able to talk to JPJ on the journey and I really wanted him to pray with me. Second everything had been packed for the car journey and now I had to get some warm clothes for the bike ride in exchange for the bags. I was so angry I threw the bags against the wall and in my mind I was furious that my brother in law had ruined the journey. They were all outside saying I needed to hurry up.

Scene 2

I hear them saying wake him up. I awake in an attic like bedroom at the top of the house and it has lots of huge glass windows. I look down and see JPJ and the others standing on the ground, they ask me to come and see. I lie down on a board/bed and slide out of the window (in the attic bedroom) facing the sky. It is night and the moon is full. I can see the moon and it looks so close. I see a firework display on the moon and it is like a private show just for me. I say to myself ‘only I can see this display’.

Scene 3

I am now walking around my house looking for JPJ. I really wanted to talk and pray with him. I find him asleep on the sofa. JPJ had fallen into the sofa. At the point where the armrest and the cushion meet, JPJ had fallen into the sofa and only his top half of his body was visible. I pulled him out. He now looked different, like a frail shrivelled old man. He was covered in sweat and he was apologising. I felt so bad and thought it doesn’t matter if I don’t get to talk with him because he needs rest. I told him not to worry because I had made a special place for him to sleep.

I carried him to the room I prepared. The room I had made was full of suits, shoes, outfits and had a beautiful bed. JPJ (was now normal) and was looking at the fabric on the shoes and asking why everything in his room was different from all the team (I had also made rooms for his team). I told him that the outfits in his room was my clothes. I told him they were my best clothes, many things I had not even worn yet and I had given him the best that I had, even the shoes had a special kind of fabric.

Scene 4

I go downstairs and my brother in law is making sarcastic remarks that I should not have kept them waiting and should not have packed all that stuff for the journey. I felt so angry inside that he is mocking me but in reality he is the one who is at fault.

Dream End