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Amazing Jubilant party w/ Neon sea life

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 7:18 am
by Tilling Hopes Garden

It was late dusk. This backdrop made the animals, because of their fluorescent NEON colors, really stand out. Each animal was outlined in a neon color.

I was in a parking lot looking at the ocean right in front of me, the beach was to my left & a big cliff to my right.
Below the cliff were rocks that sat in the ocean with animals that sat on top of the rocks, it was like in a cove.

They were outlined in fluorescent NEON colors, Greens, hot pinks, purples, yellows, oranges, & blues. Ea. animal had smears of these different neon colors over their bodies.

I went walking through the water along the rocks w/the animals on it. Each rock had a different animal on it, like penguins on one rock, sea lions on another, pelicans, seals, oysters, dancing shell fish, on another, kind of like you would see on a National Geographic or History channel.

This whole dream had to deal w/sea life. As I walked along, I entered into a cave that on both sides in it's own cove animals were having a party. There was music, peace, joy and dancing. I was amazed, excited and happy. Though I was dreaming, it was as tho IRL I actually reached for my phone to take a video to show mom all the while in the dream, I was actually video taping it on my cell phone. To describe this, would be to say it was an unbelievably amazing party.

In each of these coves, there was like formation dancing. Like at a football game at half time, the marching bands would walk in formation creating a design.

There were star fish, a glowing pearly brilliant white in color w/touched of neon colors in them.

In another cove, there was another group that were dancing.

I saw a dance instructor teaching on a dance floor. The moves were graceful as in ballet.

As I continue walking, I come to an opening leading to the ocean. In the water, were metal parallel bars from which hung a multitude of leather like flags there were shades of brown.

To the Left of me in the ocean, I saw Swordfish and Great white sized sharks jumping out of the water. All ocean life abnormally getting along together. This is such a feel good amazing dream.

I am captivated by and in awe of this whole display.

As I turned around to head back, I noticed the cave door was closed. T reached into the ocean and pulled out what looked like the tip of a Swordfish.

Any thoughts?