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Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 12:14 pm
by spiritledd
me and Jeff Rice and Monique were walking together on rail road tracks I guess we were hobos ...Mo fell and we looked for her under trestle ...she got knocked out but was not dead

along the way met other hobos first was a gal never seen before

then we met Dan Mathwig along the way too

we were coming from Lewiston going towards Kendrick/Julietta on RR tracks

had skate board and decided to sit on it and balanced it on rail just to see if it would work ...somehow it stayed on

I had 3 mics ...gave one to Jeff and Mo ...met this other smiling black guy and then somehow we all started sitting on skateboard together

then I looked back and there were quite a few people

looked forward and there were more

saw a piece of rail held like an oar by the front black hobo guy touching other rail was as if it were an electrical contact

saw sparks fly in front

not sure how many other hobos maybe 20 all together

drove by abandoned ice cream parlor that was really big brick building

a train was coming the other way towards us in the distance

so we all got off the tracks but then the engineer waved

we all realized that it was on a another set of tracks, so we would have been ok to keep going

I asked people could I have my mics and cords back please

they were not given back from those I gave them to was three different people ... two cords were lost ...I said oh well, that's okay ...woke hearing "Hello" by the band Rail

then "helios" again ...that is like the third time I have heard helios