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Dream of Grandfather who passed 2 yrs ago- visitation?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:33 pm
by ginasings4him
Can your dead loved ones visit you in your dreams? I had a dream that my Grandfather who died 2 yrs ago at the age of 89 came to me in my dream. He was much younger, about 20's or 30's and he had a huge smile on his face and he seemed really happy. I don't remember him saying anything to me. But when he walked in the room I was with my girlfriend - and I saw him and said to him, what are you doing here, you are dead. Then I went to touch him on his shoulder/chest area to see if I could feel him and I could. I put my hand down and then tried again to feel him, when I tried the second time, his body was gone and only his clothes remained, still standing as though someone invisible was in them but his body was gone.

My daughter had a very similiar dream 3 weeks ago, that he came to her with a huge smile on his face, he again was younger around 25 or 30. He didn't speak but she knew he was thanking her for making the slide show for his funeral because it helped other people heal emotionally from his passing.