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met different kind of woman

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 1:33 pm
by spiritledd
met a young gal with black hair very beautiful ...I was to be her neighbor she was walking ahead of me and I was close behind her she would suddenly turn and my lips touched her cheek ...this kept happening ...she was not being seductive ...which I appreciated

went to her place ...she had baby girl ...when I held the baby I loved her I was thinking I wish this was my daughter ...saw she had son also that I picked up ...I was holding both of them loving them

she was not best mom ...her place was mess ...she really needed help I started helping her

found out she had man, but they were not married ...he was in trouble with law and in the system ...she gave me his pants to wear ...when she took me to look at my apt had bunch of cats in it ...I was surprised because add was so picky

met her man he had bibles stacked up ...I asked him to read me some ...he would not, he said it is crap he had to do for his PO

I saw one had my name on it ...said hey that is mine was dated 2001

I was supposed to move in with this other gal ...but then this new gal laid her head on my bare chest in front of her which shocked me because I did not know how she felt ...I was glad other gal did not get jealous or hurt

one thing I noticed was this new gal was different than all the rest of the gals ...she was not selfish, immature, snotty, bullheaded and vain know, like the Ricky Lake women?

iRL those are the ones I keep getting ...this one was real easy going mature beyond her years ...carried herself differently, and even though I was older she saw the value in me for my wisdom and connection to The Lord

in back seat of Camaro holding her 2 babies was in back seat Camaro started going down a hill ...I said drive it so he jumped in front ...he stated going to fast over the rocks ...I grabbed his neck ...I said slow down or I will rip your throat out ...then he slowed down

waking heard Pat Benatar "Invincible"

heard Holy Spirit say... "breach of contract"