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Praying against Spirit of Gammon

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 8:22 pm
by jdarby2007
Hello Again:

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday, God bless you!

Here's one more dream I had just last night.

I was at a church service and was in a line to get a giving envelope and I noticed there were very personal questions on the envelope, I remember seeing stacks of the envelopes in the baskets that had folks house deeds and other things folks gave up to give into that ministry. Next thing you know, I was flying around the church building and all of a sudden I was at the altar praying for the pastor and wife and I remember rebuking and coming against the spirit of gammon.

When I woke up from the dream, I thought I said mammon, but I distinctly said gammon. I looked up the word gammon and the verb for gammon is to mislead by deceptive talk, to pretend, deceive and fool.

Any insight or interpretation from the Lord would be appreciated.

God Bless,

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 1:56 am
by bella
the verb for gammon is to mislead by deceptive talk, to pretend, deceive and fool.
Specifically to assist a pickpocket - to distract a victim so that a pickpocket can rip them off.

Seems that you've been given insight into what's going on behind the giving/tithing messages in church.

I would imagine that you're being shown the spirit behind it in that particular church. Not sure if that church represents many churches.

Praying against Spirit of Gammon

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 4:20 am
by jdarby2007

Thank you for responding to my dream.

I agree with your insight into the dream.

I'm not sure what church I was in, but I do know this is happening in many churches across the U.S.

God bless you.

Many thanks,