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grey steel desk

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 12:27 pm
by spiritledd
found grey steel school desk in front of RV park was daughter's of neighbors I put it in front of my house ...I was being treated as if I had done something wrong if I had broke in and stolen it, and that I had been with their under age daughter

saw woman with wasps around her head and neck who was really mean mugging me with accusation of it

they were standing in front of my house ...her and her kids ...but no dad ...passed them by and went to neighbor ...they were shocked about that because they were so sure of my guilt and for me to do this could mean I was innocent ..I asked her if she wanted me to remove those bees ...but another told me she wanted to keep them

asked neighbor who is policeman IRL what was going on I suspected of crime? ...he assured me no ...that he gave grey desk to eagle news paper driver in jeep ...and that he did not think I had broke in and done anything wrong ...I said well I was drunk and blacked out and I had a dream that I did it I was not sure myself ...and he said no your ok

then I sat with his teen girls as they drank whiskey and told secret sins ...they were in an old pickup ...I was trying to back up and out of old garage that was falling down

the brakes were not working ...kept rolling backwards I would pull forward then it would roll back again this kept repeating over and over ...I was stuck in there I purposely lodged back side of pickup into wall to keep pickup from rolling back

made hole in wall they said that is going get us in trouble dad will be mad ...and we will get caught for this

finally they too admitted I was innocent also was hard because they were drunk, and seemed to want to keep believing it, even though they knew it was a lie was fun dirty gossip to them

red junk dump truck pulled up ...I saw the drivers view ...what he saw

he saw there was no under carriage to truck ...just saw rusty tracks and truck was floating in air he moved on

then I went to my house ...on the way saw little poodles ...they were walking in front of my feet ...trying hard to not step on them ...first white one ...then light brown ...they were barking and spinning ...and it was like they were dust mop on you tube, close to ground not standing up ...belly on ground

I ignored them

at home, mom was alive, and kid was needing clothes and bed ...he stayed in my old room

saw woman who said I was guilty of desk and daughter ...then she realized I was not guilty after ...I had proved my innocence

I was getting dressed in front of her, and she saw me naked ...felt embarrassed about that, but yet I also liked it ...she changed also but I did not see her naked

then we cuddled and we told each other we loved each other ...we were in water together behind mom's chair ...said I was shaking inside because I wanted her so bad ...we kissed but just lips ...kind of kiss that proved I really loved her for her