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supernatural properties

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:23 pm
by spiritledd
at job site I was being told about stuff that glowed and was green that was in front by gates where trucks entered that was mixed with water in puddles had supernatural properties when I got the chance I drank some ...then I was working in laundry ...I was told I had changed by friend John ...then they wanted me to stay after ...something about the union and a guy that told me about the water and he had escaped but died and they were holding me blaming me wanting to hurt me as payment for the guy ....they would not let me go ...then they were all black and held court was gonna sacrifice me ...they did then ...I came back and they were afraid ...I grabbed a coal from above fireplace and spread it over them they talked as though it was the blood this was like 30' Harlem ...then I became Costello of Abbot and Costello ...saw trains on street that then got no tracks ...then mom and dad walked to store with me and we were going to buy wine MD20/20 ...I saw x giving golden retriever puppy tiny little bites of dog food