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Gave Birth to an Underdeveloped Baby

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 2:15 am
by TheKingsDaughter
My mom and I flew to China, it seems like my dad and my husband were with us but were not a main focus in the dream. When we landed China was very much as I have heard it being, crowded, people everywhere, houses on top of houses, etc.... I went into labor and I didn't even know I was pregnant. I was rushed to the hospital where I had an underdeveloped baby. I held the baby for just a moment before the nurses took the baby to the back. Just then my mother also went into labor, she did not know she was pregnant. She also had an underdeveloped baby. But she would not let the nurses take it to the back. She held onto to it and left the hospital to go back home. I also got on the plane and came back home (without my baby).

I woke up, and prayed to the Lord, I told him that was not an Ok ending to that dream. I went back to sleep, and continued the dream...
I got back on the plane to China, when I got to China I couldn't find my baby anywhere, I searched everywhere. I went back to the hospital and the nurses there didn't recognize me nor did they know where the baby was.

Then I woke up, I am very troubled by this dream. It grieves me very much.

Re: Gave Birth to an Underdeveloped Baby

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 3:15 pm
by silentqueen
After reading those, the first thing I heard was "Fear not." A baby in a dream may be symbolic of something new; project, ministry, career. It was underdeveloped. What if it means that something you are about to do is not ready to go forth yet? More preparation may be needed before it can be launched. You left without the baby. Underdeveloped babies are placed in an incubator so they can continue to develop. Your mother chose to take her baby(project) as it was. She knew the issues but refused to leave the project behind. Nothing wrong with either choice; yours or hers.

However, your baby is going to further develop or perhaps God doesn't want you to take on anything new until it's fully prepared. Right now, what would a problematic project require of you? Do you really have the time to devote to it?

We were not given the spirit of fear but one of power, love and a sound mind.

God bless you,

Re: Gave Birth to an Underdeveloped Baby

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 7:17 pm
by TheKingsDaughter
Silent Queen,
Thank you, I very much needed to hear that.
God bless you.