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odd shaped guitar

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 4:10 pm
by spiritledd
had a black guitar I shined up with black sweat pants ...very odd shaped ...half was cool ...other not ...I think one half was Jackson "flying V" and other was BC Rich "Mockingbird" ...each pickup was shaped different too by neck was squashed heart by bridge was mis-shaped cross ...I remember thinking I could fix it by cutting ugly half to be shaped like V ...but then I thought, no that is way too much trouble to go to ...I presented it to a couple I know IRL who struggled with meth then got divorced, then re-married each other ...but first I showed them the black sweat pants first they had oily silver residue on them ...they just said, yeah cool un-enthusiastically both times ...IRL my friend Byron who also struggled with meth had a black BC Rich "Warlock" ...IRL in my early 20's I owned a BC Rich ...I don't know why I bought it, I got tired of it's weird shape ...accidently dropped it on cement and broke it ...then glued piece back on ...then got drunk and smashed it after an argument with girlfriend piece of it bounced and it flew through a big window and broke window ...really felt like an idiot girlfriend must have really loved me to not break up with me after that

Re: odd shaped guitar

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 2:54 pm
by shine
Significant to me is that you can relate this dream - of guitar shapes - to an incident when you were dramatically expressing some rage in your 20's. Breaking a guitar is (was?) trendy with musicians though. And you bring to memory the surprise of your girlfriend not leaving you.
(Aren't we always surprised when people don't turn their backs on us in pivotal moments - God wont either)

Shined up with sweat pants. . .striving. But i get you are striving thru prayer because of the oily silver residue.

The two halves of the guitar being different shapes makes me think of 2 different views/options/choices. You bring these ideas to people that their focus is of the world (represented by they used to be caught up in drugs). . . {Always consider the source when you are at a crossroads - I know God can and will speak to you through anyone - but a good habit would be to take it to Christ centered friends}. You wont get lack-luster/half-hearted responses.

Jackson "Flying V" and BC Rich "Mockingbird" seem interesting to me. . . looking forward to what that means.

Blessings to you!

Re: odd shaped guitar

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:21 pm
by spiritledd
:D thank you shine :D