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President Obama preaching

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 5:50 pm
by claudiau
In my dream my husband and I were sitting in this small church and President Obama was prophesying ,walking back and forth saying "THE CHURCH WILL NOT HEAR THE TRUTH ANYMORE AND THAT WE MIGHT AS WELL HIRE A COMEDIAN TO COME IN AND ENTERTAIN US.The people were not moved at all ,as if they did not hear anything he said.

Re: President Obama preaching

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:10 pm
by Missyjojo88
That is a powerful dream. There are people who have gotten revelation on how the Church is filthy as we are closing in on the coming of Jesus Christ. There are so many wordily/demonic things entering the church that you cannot tell Christians apart from those of the world. Plus there is such an absent of preaching on holiness/purity/repentance/obedience that when God sent a prophet of his to bring a message on coming back to the pure church of old, that the present church laugh, mock, and treat this prophet like an alien from another planet. This is how we know we are in the end times, because the people love to hear about material things such as getting a house, car, money, etc, but they hate when they are being told to repent (I included). They hate walking in obedience ( I included). Yes we should want the physical blessing without neglecting the spiritual things that count more when it comes to our soul and salvation. Unfortunately the church have focus on the material things so much so that they have put the essential teachings away.

Now we have the church being deceived by false prophets and false miracles/signs due to the fact that they are not walking right with God. As a result, they have lost the true powerful manifestation of God's in their lives which they long for. Therefore they are forced to look to false prophets to see the miracles and signs that their foolish heart long after, rather than holiness/obedience. The church has lost its way because of the watered down doctrine that is now being preach. Sometime demonic doctrines are even being preach inside some churches. Now we have a church that has become a place for entertainment and comedy. Even some churches are setting up soap operas to keep people coming by encouraging people to falsely act a certain way, testify about a certain thing, manifest in a certain way so that the church can keep people coming back to see what happens next. But God keeps telling me and others that Jesus Christ is coming soon, but the church (including myself) are not ready. My thoughts keeps going back to "narrow is the path, and few who finds it." This is an over look passage. "God is not man that he should lie." Not a lot of people are walking in the right path, and its a path that is very hard to get through. This dream is a wake up call to the church, and we have to pray that God will open the eyes of his church to see how filthy they are before him so they can be like the 5 wise virgins who had oil prepare for the when Jesus Christ the groom returns.