posting for friend..a vision-whale, truck, worms

Archived Dreams from 2015
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posting for friend..a vision-whale, truck, worms

Post by allforHim »

she said: "I had a open vision, I was in the water holding onto a giant whale that was like a cross between an orca and humpback. It was fast, and kept getting faster. It rode on the turbulence of the waves and it took every ounce of strength to hold on. Then there was a shift that instead of trying to shake me, the whale slowed just enough to let me get on top of it and ride it.
Just then I'm in my husbands white f150. It appears to have had a lift and mudd on the tires. Like we just came back from the ranch. But the tires were huge, like meant to drive through some serious stuff and not get stuck. I'm in a drive at his parents house in college station and reverse out of the drive. Just then I stopped the truck because I seen a bunch of teenagers, rough in appearance sitting down in a half circle on the drivers side racing and betting muddy worms. As they were throwing money shouting, I stepped my foot down in the middle of the race. My foot may as well been a giants. I was like a giant. They looked up at me at first angry that I stopped their game, but quickly was afraid by my size. There was immediate reverenced respect. I spoke and said, follow me. This is not the way. "

to also clarify few details, she told me that it was between orca and sperm whale bc she looked up the whales and the sperm whale looked more like what she envisioned. the mud was red. and the truck IRL is an F250, and she just calls it the f150 bc its more common IRL. She asked me to interp bc she didn't have interp at the time. she stated that she understood that I was in tune for interpreting. so i ask for your prayerful consideration here for me as i feel emotional and second-guessing my interp from being from the Lord bc she said she received the interpretation and it seems in stark contrast to mine...and yet some elements the same.
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Re: posting for friend..a vision-whale, truck, worms

Post by allforHim »

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Re: posting for friend..a vision-whale, truck, worms

Post by bjcollin »

Learning to use prophetic gifts is a lot like whale riding and off roading with a truck with mudders on. It is definitely an adventure. While learning we don't always get it right. Sometimes we will get elements or bits and pieces correct. The intrep should always speak to the dreamer. Many times ppl already have an idea on a dream and they are just looking for conformation which is ok too. Of course this comes from a Longhorn to an Aggie so take what you will from it haha :wink: hope this starts to help some. It is all a learning experience ... How did the two interps differ if you don't mind my asking?