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menstruation in church and flattened police car

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 1:51 pm
by Beautiful
I am at my old church, I have on a white skirt that I own. I am seated with the others during the service and realize that I have bled onto the skirt, menstruation. (IRL i am past that period of life) I get up and feeling ackward decide to leave, I turn the skirt around so those behind me cannot see the blood. I have my hands in front of my skirt to cover the front. I am walking out and there are children at the door and they laugh when they see the blood, laugh at me. It's daytme, I leave the property and get to the parking area...on the front row I see a totally flattened police car. I am surprised and then I walk past it to my car.

Re: menstruation in church and flattened police car

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 8:46 pm
by DownPour
Beautiful wrote:I am at my old church, I have on a white skirt that I own. I am seated with the others during the service and realize that I have bled onto the skirt, menstruation. (IRL i am past that period of life) I get up and feeling ackward decide to leave, I turn the skirt around so those behind me cannot see the blood. I have my hands in front of my skirt to cover the front. I am walking out and there are children at the door and they laugh when they see the blood, laugh at me. It's daytme, I leave the property and get to the parking area...on the front row I see a totally flattened police car. I am surprised and then I walk past it to my car.
Some life issue (issue of blood) from the past (behind you) which you would like to avoid (skirting the issue) is being exposures in the future (turned skirt around).
Embarrassment/shame (period exposed) Lev 15:19, 25; Matt 9:20-22; Isa 64:6. You may have to deal with some persecution from the children of God (kids laughing) as you work through it.