end of zoo dream

Archived Dreams from 2015
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end of zoo dream

Post by BlueDreamer »

i'm asking for help for the last part of this dream/vision. below is the whole dream.

i've gathered through revelation and study these:

Sea animals - marine demons, pride
Zoo - DC
See - vision - observe - seer - prophet (not completely sure here)
Property of the Senate - belonging to the Senate (red is our state senate color)
Gold car - ministry which is holy and God ordained, valuable, wealthy, honorable ministry in state senate, refinement of the state senate,
$8 - pay for a new beginning (we will pay for a new beginning, price to pay for new beginning which allows us into the zoo)

Family - possible familiar spirits (female implies jezebel)

please help with ideas or anything you can think of from the end of this dream. thanks.


Was with this guy. I had strong feelings towards him. I didn't know if he liked me. He was working for my dad. We were at my house in my room working at the same desk and I got up to go to the bathroom or something. When I came back he had packed up. I saw him outside my window getting in his car that belonged to the senate (car said senate property). The car was gold. The chairs inside were red. This part of the dream is very colorful and beautiful. Somehow I am downstairs inside his car. We are happy. I ask him if he wants to see a movie or go to the zoo. I text a friend named josh to have him join us. I'm hoping josh will get there. But the longer I spend with this guy the less I want josh to come. I want to be alone with this guy. When we get there, he and I are standing close together. We keep bumping into each other psychically and brushing past each other's arms. We each buy our own ticket at the zoo where we're going to see sea animals. They are $8 each. He says we have to wait for some people. He invites some of his family. And some other people who are close to him. I want them to like me. There is a woman in a light pink outfit, one in purple. One in brown. All women. All elderly. Then one asks me my name, I tell her. The one in the purple outfit isn't sure of me and I'm intimidated by her. I try to stay by this guy while he talks to everyone. 

The colors are muted now. While I'm talking to one lady, I look over to him and see that he is wearing a navy blue sweater but down the middle of the back of it I can see a lot of hair growing off of his spine. I thought it was weird. He didn't look like himself anymore either. 

The colors switch back to bright and All the ladies then say "oh he's here!" I ask him who is here and he says the guy he saved from Iraq. We start to walk over and he gets behind me and puts his arms around my shoulders and holds me. He seems taller and I tell him he doesn't need to do that because he's slouching over and I didn't want him to have to. I notice I'm wearing a red sweater. He says it's okay because he wants to. I feel comfortable but weary too. 
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Re: end of zoo dream

Post by loulou »

I'm not sure about this dream at all, but I feel uncomfortable about the guy with the hair growing out of his spine :|
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Re: end of zoo dream

Post by BlueDreamer »

I did too, but I have chalked it up to it being something that he really is not because the colors become muted. i know sometimes God will change colors in a dream to reveal truth to us or differentiate between truth and a lie. bright colors are of God and muted are the soul or what the enemy wants us to see or believe. the colors do change back and i have doubt afterward. i was thinking it may reveal a flaw in me and i need to be aware of allowing doubt to cloud the truth.
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Re: end of zoo dream

Post by loulou »

I totally understand that. I thought the same with the muting.
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Re: end of zoo dream

Post by BlueDreamer »

So I'm going to ask for anyone reading this to try to interpret this dream.

Because I do have emotional feelings, I am concerned I may be interpreting it wrong.

I used to work with him before and we worked for someone I nicknamed dad. And this guy and I had a pretty intimate relationship. Not romantic. (Working at same desk, for my dad, in my bedroom).

I am a participant of the dream. I think it's about me and this guy. I think we will be in a ministry together. It'll take us to somewhere chaotic and cost us something new.

I can't for the life of me understand the family part.

I'm going to pray still. But, any verses or revelation or words of knowledge would be nice.

Side note: I work in politics. So the Senate thing is significant.