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Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 6:47 am
by TheKingsDaughter
In my dream
I saw a group of people that were all part of a search committee. There was an older lady assigning jobs to different people. She announced we were searching for a lady and 3 men/ males. She looked directly at me and told me to look for the lady. I asked her what her name is and she said MEG. The name was so important that I saw the name in front of me MEG. She pointed me in the direction of a forest to start searching. The forest was dead, lots of dead trees. I walked down a path and came across a tree that had a woman on it. She was held on the tree by something that resembled toilet paper (it's hard to describe what exactly it was that held her to the tree, toilet paper is my best description, it was white). I called to the search party that I had found her. They came and started cutting her down from the tree. During that time I heard that they had found the other men/males. I asked the older lady what would happen next. She told me if it wasn't too late Meg would get a new name.