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i felt a hand grab me

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 3:52 pm
by Joshua116
i felt a hand grab me...literally...i was scared and shaken out of my dream/out of my sleep after i had this dream:

this was about a REAL person named Amanda but she is NOT the same Amanda from my dreams years ago...this is a different Amanda

a dream within a dream?

in my dream that felt so real there were three locations:

1.) a school
2.) restraunt/possibly a fast food restraunt
3.) my house

she was there in the three places, i was trying to get to these places, get to her, get to her to see me

finally in at my house...she and my parents went to our next door neighbor's house to visit...i was amazed

then the dream shifted to me lying in my bed...waking up from this dream...i sensed someone else was lying in my bed...i assumed it was Amanda and i started feeling this hand grabbing me...but it wasn't comfortable any felt wasn't was a demon, maybe Satan himself

Re: i felt a hand grab me...Amanda Bynes

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 4:51 am
by Joshua116

just throwing this out there

the "Amanda" of this dream was indeed the former actress Amanda Bynes

years ago I dreamt about Mel Gibson and being on an airplane and about trying to be seen by another 'Amanda', plus a few other dreams about that 'Amanda'

what was this dream?

what was grabbing me? for what purpose?

am i being deceived or is Satan trying to prevent something?

Amanda Bynes is JEWISH...

1. school
2. restaurant
3. my house

the most common 'place' symbols from dreams hat have come before...all in this same dream

i'm NOT anxious about this but i know this dream has so much meaning