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Gas Nozzle

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 9:13 am
by dreamer33
Greetings in the name of Jesus.

I had this dream last night and seeking for insight.

I was inside my church. It was an evening. Suddenly, as i was talking with someone in the church, i smelled something like petrol. I was walking out from the church, as i was trying to find from where the smell was coming. To my surprise, i realized it was from my car which was parked just outside the church. Not only that, what i saw was the fuel nozzle was in the car fuel tank.

The fuel hose was not in it. I was wondering from if i had just drove away from any gas station without removing the nozzle and placing it back to the fuel pump. I had never done that and will not ever do that :D . But in the the dream i was just thinking of what really happened and many things ran on my mind.

The next thing i did was, i pulled out the nozzle from the car's petrol tank and i was taking out the car's petrol tank's cover from inside the car to close the petrol tank in order not to let the gas go dry in the air. End of dream.

Any insight please?