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Black Cat, Baby, Demons, Exposed, and Children...?!?!

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:28 pm
by osutina
Hi Everyone, I am new to the group and am thankful that I am accepted. I look forward to reading dreams and their interpretations. I look forward to growing spiritually and continuing my wonderful relationship with God. I spoke w/a relative of mine who gave me the information to this group to assist me in understanding my dreams. Here goes...

My Dream...
I was in a house (not mine) and the kids were looking out a window of a closed door. One was my child and the others were nieces. I asked them what they were looking at but they didn't answer me. They continued looking out the window. I walked to the window to see what they were looking at and I found myself looking at a black cat almost as tall as me 5'10. I looked at the black cat straight in the eyes and boldly said, "I know who you are, I know EXACTLY who you are and you cannot come in here". I knew this cat was the enemy. The cat never came into the house. Then all of a sudden I found myself holding a baby; I knew it was my baby (I don't have an infant child) and a demon started choking the baby. I said to the demon "Get your hands off of my baby, I rebuke you right now in the name of Jesus" and the demon disappeared. I knew my parents were upstairs in the bedroom so I went toward the steps to go to their bedroom. As I was walking to their bedrooms; a demon would just pop up in front of me and I rebuked it in Jesus name! Then another one and I rebuked it, then another and I rebuked it; I don't remember how many came but I remember rebuking them in Jesus name and they all disappeared. I finally seen my step-father and said to him, "Ken we need to pray over the house because there are demons in here". His response to me was a bit rude. He said, "You can't do it by yourself" as his back was turned to me. I was a little taken back by his response but I ignored him. I then walked into their bedroom (parents) and he (step-father) was laying on the bed under a blanket. There was a woman sitting in the chair who I assumed to be my mom. All of a sudden the blanket was pulled back and his deleted was exposed. I said "ewl" and left the room to check on the kids. They were all okay like nothing never happened.

End of Dream...

I then woke up from my dream. When I woke up my son (4 years old) was laying next to me. I could tell he was fighting in his sleep/dream. I thought maybe something passed from me to him so I quietly prayed over him and he calmed right down. I went back to sleep and when we woke up he asked me about the "house" we were in. I asked him what he was talking about but he didn't elaborate.