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Tears, picture frame, painting, books, and more

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 8:51 pm
by Hannah
Here are two dreams I had within a couple days of each other. Both dreams were very real. When I awoke I couldn't shake the dreams and truly felt I had been with this person.

Dream #1) This was a very brief dream, but powerful and for some reason doesn't leave me. I keep seeing it over and over in my mind and feeling the feelings I felt in the dream. We were standing face to face holding on to each other with our right hands. There are people circled around us - I don't see faces, but I know that there are people around us. We are reluctancly beginning to release our hands as I step back asking him to come with me. As I said we are both crying, not boo hoo-ing, but tears strearming down our faces. I wake before I leave or he responds.

Dream #2) The same man from the above dream came to my house - I know it was my house but it was bigger than my actual house, he had no personal belongings - he wanted a place to stay and I said ok - I came back to check on him and he wasn't there but this small picture frame was there and it appeared that he has converted it into a phone so he could text with it. I was scrolling through to see if there were any messages that would help me know where he went or understand what's going on. I heard him return as I stepped out of the room.

Next My daughter and the day care kids staying at my house wanted to go see him so we went to the room I knocked- he was all smiles and happy we went in to see him and now his suitcase was there a great big painting - I don't recall or couldn't really see the details of the painting, but he was very proud and it played the song Against all Odds by Phil Collins. He had also bought food and seemed really happy and content-

My daughter and I noticed two books on the table and when I picked them up I said "oh it looks like he is getting ready to go back to school of some kind"....then I sat with him on the floor and we had a nice conversation and he hugged me and let me know he really cares about me...
It was so real it was like the real Person I know and love has returned home.

This is a very important relationship in my life and someone I have been praying and interceding for 8 years to break through generational curses and addictions and for his salvation. I believe that the Lord is speaking to me. I would greatly appreciate and welcome any spirit led thoughts or interpretations. Blessings!!