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Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 5:54 pm
by seeHIMspeak
Hi everybody, I haven't been on here in a long time but in the last few days I had two dreams and a picture with windows and I need clarification especially since I was confronted yesterday with a couple very hurtful things.
First dream I am in Germany with my husband in my parent's house. I get a phone call telling me that our car is parked in front of a garage (that's not being used) and somebody called to have it towed. So I ran down from the third story to the second floor where my husband was still sleeping. I woke him up to tell him what happened and said that I would run outside to move the car and asked him to please look out the window and in case the tow truck came to tell them that I was on the way. So I ran through the house, ran outside, then as I reached the street my run slowed down to a crawl and even with my best effort I could barely move. Lots of people in the street. I try to make my way around them always keeping my eyes on the car. As I was about 10 feet from the car I saw people starting to set up tables like for a flea market in front of the car. I thought, I'm almost there but when I finally got there the car had disappeared. I looked down the street and above all the heads of the people I saw the tow truck assuming it had gotten our car. How did this happen? I had kept my eyes on the car the whole time and was only 10 feet away and did not see it disappear.

Second dream it was the first day of school and I was in a classroom with students maybe 10 to 12 years old. Students were all over the classroom talking waiting for the teacher and told me we had to be sitting down when the bell rang (or the teacher came in). I was standing by the big windows overlooking beautiful landscape with little villages nestled in the mountains and sunlight hitting them in a special way. I just had to take pictures to show them to my husband. In the meantime the teacher had arrived, all the students were sitting except me as I was not finished with taking pictures. The teacher reprimanded me and I explained that I was not a student but there for a different purpose (which I don't remember, but in the dream I did, I think I was supposed to meet with someone in that class that hadn't arrived yet).

Third, the picture I saw I was in a high rise building looking out windows that covered the whole wall. The view was of a big city, the sun was shining on it as well and it was beautiful.

Would you please pray for some insight? I would so appreciate it, thanks, Karin