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church and deacon

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 6:34 pm
by sigmon2
Hi, hope all are well. I have had a mental dream block lately.. maybe on purpose cause I am tired of seeing the future and watching it come true. At the same time watching dreams about my stuff go backwards.
Sorry about the fussing.
Had a dream about my church where it started with me standing in the church as I fuzzied into view. Or into seeing. Best to describe I was seeing darkness then fuzzy light, then more light, then more, then clearer, then faster, then like a camera clearing the focus I am there.
I look around and it's different. The basic foundation of the church is changing from what it was into a new thing. I see it, I feel it. I see the beginnings of the high church style, just bits and pieces but it's there. Instead of close and warm it has grown into a warehouse store like place. Where it huge inside. Big church atmosphere. Now just as a note, the church is an itty-bitty bitty thing, with hardly anyone in it.
Then I hear like it's the end of a service or something. Don't hardly see anyone. But the voice declared let's pray. I turned to leave with my son cause I was not staying anymore. It was like it was not for me anymore. But as I turned a deacon rushed past me and out the worship hall door. I went out the door and found him down on his knees praying so hard that there was a ring of sweat around his head. I did not hear him cause he was silent.
This is the same deacon who thinks my dream are hogwash. Anyway as I turned to leave I woke up. I intend to tell him about the dream, if it's spooks him good, irritate him is ok too. He's cool.
Bye all