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birthday cake with half sibling/family

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:00 pm
by allforHim
really bazaar...

was on phone with my half-niece. she was feeling sad and lonely although she had a great new man in her life. so i thought how great to have a family get together. my full blood siblings want nothing to do with me so I called up my half sister (my niece's mom) whom i had something of a relationship with, and her other children. she and all her kids thought a get together was a great idea. so my half-niece said she was bringing a birthday cake. no one's birthday, but she wanted to bring cake. everyone got there and i realized how strained the relationships were between my half-sister and her kids. but they still loved each other each in their own very strange way, it was evident. They all chipped in for balloons and streamers and exchanged gifts for no reason at all. everyone's little children played and laughed and brought all of us great joy. And regardless of their disagreements, they still got along. (I longed for that with my own siblings, I have been trying to do that for several years and have been turned down in real life.) But then I tasted the cake. It was not fluffy at all--which was good for me as I can not stand light fluffy cake. It has to have substance and moisture! and my gosh this was probably the best cake ever. more like a moist white banana muffin-like cake with somehow a hint of chocolate and coffee... the frosting was not overbearingly sweet. it was...perfect. I remember savoring the texture and flavor in my dream. i wanted more and more. i never felt sick from overeating it! my niece smiled like as though she already knew this was the perfect cake. everyone had their fill. there was a half sheet cake left over and she told me to take it home. i offered it up to everyone else who turned it down immediately because, they said, it was offered for me to take home. wow. i couldn't wait to get home and have it with a cup of coffee in the morning watching as my little ones ate it, too. my siblings would all be trying to cut into it and arguing over the fact it's not fair that only one person should take it home, even though they all are on diets and want to lose weight. but this cake did not have that effect on me. (i wish this cake existed in real life!!)

I wished i could have experienced it with my siblings, but was even more glad I had this opportunity to share in this cake with the other family of mine, too, of whom, my siblings really have nothing to do with them. I felt fulfilled that my plan to bring them together to remind them that love is what holds them together inspite of difference of opinions.

It was an odd, but pleasant and tastey dream.