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Dream of Reunion & Chaos

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 5:40 pm
by ginasings4him
I had a dream last night that I went to this place that was going to be a reunion of old friends from high school. I went in thinking nobody was going to know me or my name but then as I arrived at the door this man said "Hello Gina", I didn't remember him and I was surprised he knew my name. I then went inside and walked over to this place where there was a huge line of people and they were all trying to cram in this one room to receive all this free stuff - there were people shoving and charging there way in to get it. I was in line as well and was upset at the way people were acting to get this stuff. Not sure what the stuff was, but I was thinking they were rude, or just desperate. Covering the room were what looked like "drawers". I started pulling out the drawers (almost as if I was pulling out or calling out the people) and telling the people to stop and think of others. Some of these people I didn't like, I remember seeing one person from high school that irritated me.

I have some thoughts of what this might mean and would like to see if anyone has any interpretation to see if it confirms it.