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2nd posting - Fingertips Deformed / Missing Dream

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 5:11 am
by gapeachntn
Hi, everyone. I had a short dream this morning of a man I once loved. What I remember vividly about the dream, is that I could see his hand but his finger tips were missing as if his hand had been dipped in a vat of acid or something and only his fingertips were affected. Not saying that is what happened but that's the only way I can describe how his finger tips they were deformed. Any thoughts?

Re: 2nd posting - Fingertips Deformed / Missing Dream

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 2:49 am
by Newbie
gapeachntn wrote:Hi, everyone. I had a short dream this morning of a man I once loved. What I remember vividly about the dream, is that I could see his hand but his finger tips were missing as if his hand had been dipped in a vat of acid or something and only his fingertips were affected. Not saying that is what happened but that's the only way I can describe how his finger tips they were deformed. Any thoughts?
A deformity can speak of something that has been permanently corrupted or marred. When I think of fingers, I think of tactile (touching, feeling, etc..). So the missing fingers may reflect the spiritual sense of touch being corrupted. Which may affect one's feelings or ability to feel something out or sense something. The spiritual sense of touch can also infer reaching out and touching Jesus (standing on faith, think along the lines of the woman with the issue of blood who "touched" Jesus and by her faith she was healed. Jesus did not reach out to her with His hand, but He was waiting for her to reach out. He positioned himself so that she could).

The question is what does this man mean symbolize to you? Are you contending with something at the moment that is testing your faith? Have you been praying over someone who is short on faith?

Re: 2nd posting - Fingertips Deformed / Missing Dream

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 6:09 pm
by Starfire
I liked Newbie's reply and wanted to respond to this but couldn't as I have no idea what this may mean to you as context is very very important.

I once dreamt a very similar dream (posted here) about seeing 5 fingertips each with a hole in them and oozing. It was gross.
But to me, I believe the msg it was trying to show me that the person with the "condition" was totally disregarding the influence their life & what the consequences of their decisions has on mine. It was quite graphic. (I knew this before the dream so I'm still uncertain, myself, except to realize that it's likely I'm not seeing the degree or what specifically could actually be harmful to me or what God wants me to do about it)

Clearly this is unlikely to be the same meaning as your dream as each person/situation is unique.
So you really need to look more at what you were feeling in the dream (nothing, horror, pity, revulsion, concern,etc) , and fill in any details if possible. Was the person aware? In pain? Asking for help? Trying to infect you? or doing so without trying?. In the least I'd think it would mean that being in "touch" with them is not healthy for you or perhaps it's explaining that they are not capable of being in touch due to their own issues. So many possibilities... Prayer is needed. and detail.

IF you want me to go only on my 1st instinct, I'd say, that in some manner being or not being in touch is painful and that there is either an outside
influence (life) or an inward hurt that manifests physically (in this dream deformity) which is inhibiting you and he staying in touch.
Thus in some way being/not being in touch is painful and this man is not capable of dealing with it. Perhaps you both wanted more, but he's just not in a position to be available (physically/emotionally) or perhaps your relationship triggered in him some very deep pain he's experienced
This is just an initial reaction though and again, you really need to give it some thought as to the details and emotions in the dream and spend time in prayer so the Lord will reveal more specifically what He's trying to say. Also ask for discernment so you will know when you hear or come up with possibilities that align with the Lord's intention for you with that dream. (Meanwhile, if it were me, I'd pray for healing of that man, of his influence on you and visa versa).

Re: 2nd posting - Fingertips Deformed / Missing Dream

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 11:33 pm
by gapeachntn
Thank you both. don't even know how you've hit the nail on the head.I know exactly what it means. your thoughts were SPOT on. I believe this gentleman and I has had a soul tie although there's nothing physical that's ever taken place but we can't be together and it was very painful.

Re: 2nd posting - Fingertips Deformed / Missing Dream

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 7:37 am
by Starfire
I'm glad the Lord used me in some way to help. Also glad you mentioned Soul-Ties. I wanted to and forgot that part.
One last thing (I know this sounds weird) but his fingertips being dipped in acid would destroy his fingerprints.
Somehow his identity is at stake or his self image is deformed (and possibly yours as well since you are the dreamer).
I know that soul ties are so so painful and unhealthy and hard to break, but God will heal you. I'm glad you are His Child

Re: 2nd posting - Fingertips Deformed / Missing Dream

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 2:56 pm
by gapeachntn
Hi. I've been thinking about your thoughts on this dream alot. I dream a whole lot. Always have but lately, I've been dreaming about this person a lot and I wish it would stop because I just get confused by them often. On another note as a dreamer, i was wondering if you could give me pointers on how to interpret or discern my own dreams? Because I dream so often.

Re: 2nd posting - Fingertips Deformed / Missing Dream

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 6:35 am
by Starfire
Hi again!
There's tons of information on this site that will help you.
I can't tell you how, because for me, it's just a collection of time/experiences and responding to
the urging of the Holy Spirit. In other words, I believe the dreams are revealed by the Holy SPirit
and other than that, it's just a matter of applying what I've noticed over the years. I've always
noticed patterns in the most minute of detail....recall for ex. that my first dreams were of the fibers
in the rug and the patterns it made (I must have been crawling); another early dream memory was of
blades of grass - seeing them individually and as a whole 'carpet' of green...sort of like seeing them at
eye level, then from above.

Regarding this person you keep dreaming about, my only thoughts are that it is likely that it is you trying
to HEAL the pain the relationship has had on your life. Also it is likely showing you what you need to pray about for the other person, and what to forgive yourself (and him) for.
There are likely many elements and to be honest, the more painful, the less we can see them,
thus your dreams are likely trying to give you clues as to what exactly you need to lift up to the Lord for healing.
Do not think you can do this on your own. You cannot.
The more specific you are in prayer, I'm told, the better the results.
Write down all the elements of the dream (details) Underline those you believe to be significant or puzzling.
Talk with God about it. Just tell God the dream, all the details; pausing after each, and thinking about what that
might mean to you.

For the above dream, someone might think carpet was significant - or green- but because what
was most vivid to me was the detail and then the overall view from above, I know that the green symbolizes life
and how I might get lost in details without help from above to see the overall picture.
But taking that short dream...blades of green grass, overlapping an waving in the breeze, then seeing the grass carpet from above....
What does blade remind me of? Shows detail, shows "sharpness" of vision, etc
What does overlapping signify? Interdependence Waving in the breeze (alive, responsive, the presence of the Holy Spirit,nature praising the Lord)
Seeing green carpet of grass from above: Life - that which surrounds me, including God and needing His perspective to make sense of my world...

Sure hope this helps a wee bit.

Re: 2nd posting - Fingertips Deformed / Missing Dream

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 6:06 am
by gapeachntn
HI Starfire. I really enjoy hearing your thoughts. I hope you don't mind me asking you about a dream I had the other day? I dated a man about 17 years ago and we went out separate ways and haven't spoken or anything since 1999. The last four years of my life have been very tumultous to say the least. I'd gone through so very much and was just torn down. The straw that broke the camel's back was when someone who I never thought would hurt me, one of the only people who i thought wouldn't, in face betrayed me and I was devastated and angry. I think I gave up on life and was just existing. An intercessor prayed for me and told me to ask God what he was birthing in me. I had the courage to do so and when I did, the gentleman who i haven't seen since 1999, came up in my spirit. I've asked God to confirm some things concerning this man and I feel He has but I'm not sure if it's the enemy just tricking me again but it sure does feel like God is confirming some things for me. Two days ago, I had a dream that he sent me a text message and a red shaped heart was included in the message and I heard him say to me to just have faith and to believe. Would you mind sharing your thoughts if you have any?

Re: 2nd posting - Fingertips Deformed / Missing Dream

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 9:05 am
by Starfire
Hello again.
If you dreamed this after asking God for help, I'd think there is something about this man that is revealing to you
what you need to confront to heal. Is there unforgiveness (for yourself or him?) What does he represent to you?
When you think of him, what words come up? Write them down. How do you know if it's God or not? Well, dear
Pastor Chuck Missler once shared on this. He said that if the thought/dream,etc brings you closer to the Lord, it's God, but if it's taking you AWAY from God in any way, it is NOT Him. The text told you to "believe and have faith".
That reminds me of a Joyce Meyer teaching (I've been blessed to hear many good sermons). She once shared this prayer and it meant so much to me I wrote it down and put it on my mirror. It is a great declaration.
Hope it blesses you as well:
"I hear from God. I am led by the Spirit of God. I know my Father's Voice. The voice of a stranger, I will not follow.
I am led and guided by the Holy Spirit. Even unto my death God will guide me. All the days of my life He will guide me and give me the answers I need."

She also teaches that faith is believing when everything around you says otherwise. She gives the example of a woman who just became pregnant...there is no outward sign that a baby is coming, she's not "showing" yet... But in her heart and spirit she KNOWS that despite any outward appearances she IS having a baby & goes about her life preparing for the baby's delivery.
In another sermon Rev. Joyce Meyer said that "Trusting in God is asking God for what we want or what we need, then giving Him the freedom and respect to bring it about in His own time as HE sees fit."

We must be that way with God's promises to us. It's not an easy walk, but I can tell you, that without God's help, it is an impossible one. In other words, we cannot do it on our own. We need FAITH and where do we get faith? From asking God for it and trusting in His Word that all who seek Him will find Him.

So if it was me, I'd write down, (I'll call him Brion for this ex)
When I was with Brion, I felt (then list the various things that stood out in that relationship -good & not so good.)
Also, "When I think of Brion, to me, he represents (then list those things)
It will give you a starting point.
By the way, this may not be about the man himself, but more so about what he represented in your life.
God Bless you, sister. He loves us so much more than we realize.

PS. You might want to look on youtube for Jentezen Franklin's sermon, "The KING has ONE MORE MOVE"
It is *powerful*.
I can relate to you having years of tumultuous times and being betrayed on every front. I try to take this as a blessing
in that I can see just a HINT of what Jesus experienced and thus feel so much closer to Him. Also I appreciate what He has done for me that much more. Plus, I know that if He loved me that much, He will surely love me enough to get me through whatever life throws at me. I've even told God that as long as I have HIM, I'll be OK. Others may betray, wound,etc, but it is HE who declares my worth and my future. It is HE who will bring people into my life as HE sees fit and I try to spend my time praising and loving HIM rather than re-experiencing all that pain. If He brings one friend or a bunch of them or none, as long as I have HIM, I will not EVER be alone.
I'm lifting you up in prayer

Re: 2nd posting - Fingertips Deformed / Missing Dream

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 9:35 pm
by gapeachntn
Hi Thank you so much for your response. It's great hearing from you again. I have absolutely no animosity or ill-feelings toward this man whatsoever. We just dated almost 20 years ago and we hadn't talked since. We just went on separate paths. After being betrayed by another man I've known since I was 12, who broke my heart by the way, I had just kinda given up on life. I was tired and was kinda upset with God for all the bad things that had happened to me since I was a child. I wasn't praying really or seeking God the way I used to do, and one day an intercessor told me to go before the Lord and just ask Him what He was birthing in me. I went in my closet and bowed before God in prayer. It was during this time that this gentleman, the one I have no ill-feelings toward, came up in my spirit. I actually had forgiven that other man, the one who betrayed me and broke my heart, a few months prior. I called him and released forgiveness and I honestly did and do forgive him for the pain and hurt he caused but my relationship with God was affected. So that's when the intercessor told me to go and ask God what He was birthing in me and this other gentleman came up. I've never been married. Could've gotten married six times, but I knew those men weren't the one God has for me. So I asked God is He the one and I feel He said yes. it's like my destiny is tied to his. I began to ask God for confirmation. He confirmed. So I asked for another confirmation, then another, then another. About 18 years ago, God spoke to me in a dream and told me that my husband was white. (I'm African American) and this gentleman is African American as well, so it didn't make sense God telling me he was the one but he's not a white man. But when I looked up the meaning of this gentleman's name, his name means "white'. That's just one of almost 10 confirmations. I kept asking God for confirmations because I'd been let down once and there was no way, I wanted to go through that drama again. It's hard to believe God because this is actually something i really want and it seems too good to be true. So I went to sleep a few nights ago and this gentleman was in my dream telling me to believe and have faith. and he sent me a red heart symbol in a text. I took that as yet another confirmation but again, wasn't sure which is why I came on here to ask. When I think of him, my hand goes over my heart and I feel connected to him there. When I start to doubt, I feel it in my head. I think God is telling me but I doubt because I don't want to be let down if I'm wrong. I just know when I woke up...I felt so much joy. I'm sorry i didn't say all the above in my original message to you.